
Phpbb 3 changing skins

by  |  earlier

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I have a forum

however i am quite new to all this. I would like to change the skin to something horsey, however i can only find horse skins in other languages.

If i were to change the skin to something like this

would it convert to english or would the skin stay french?

I know this one is phpbb 2 but thats fine, i will just change the forum.

thanks :)




  1. You set the forum default language in the Administration area. You can add additional language packs there like US as opposed to UK English, unfortunately haven't seen an Australian English pack. They are mostly to do with editing the posts, not the site appearance -- content and formatting are separated effectively. So, unless French words are incorporated into graphic elements, I think you would be OK.

    You are braver than I in being willing to go back to phpBB 2. The amount of spam we were getting before upgrading to phpBB 3 was nasty.

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