
Phrase meaning ?!!!?

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What does it mean when someone says that something is crucifix-adorned?

For example: His crucifix-adorned purity ring.




  1. It probably means that it has a cross on it.

  2. Thanks God someone asked that question, I was afraid to ask it because I've thought people will laugh at me... I really have no idea, sorry, but I wanna thank you for 2 points and congratulate for a nerve to ask that! ;)

  3. Crucifix =

    crucifix-adorned = anything with a crucifix on it

  4. adorned- means wearing

    crucifix is a cross.

    so essentially it is something that wears a cross on it.

  5. Can I ask why you people didn't know what it meant?

    It seems odd.

  6. Crucifix is another word for cross, so i am guessing that a "crucifix-adorned purity ring" is a ring with a cross on it to remind the person to "stay pure" like it might belong to a priest
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