
Phrases for wrist tattoo?

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I plan on getting a phrase or word tattooed on my wrist. Any ideas?

I'm not looking for "love" or "peace", ect. Some I'm considering are "Love all, trust few", "Everything has beauty"... just wondering if there's something I might like more.




  1. 'Viva la vida'

    I believe it means "live the life"

  2. I read about a great one in the book Body Type that was on both of a guy's wrists or arms: "Eat food, drink water" - ie the basics in life.

    But you should consider literature you like.  Song lyrics are usually cheesy, unless you have really good musical taste or have liked some non-mainstream artist for an absurdly long time.  Classical music (but not Mozart) would be divine here, but again, that depends on you.

    I would go for words more than a phrase, but combining words so they are meaningful - phrases and words both can be trite.

    I like "everything has beauty" but it's kind of vague.  "it has beauty" makes it more of a mantra.  "restraint has beauty" or making it ironic in some way often renders it more meaningful - insert personal demons here and attribute beauty to them and you've made them harmless.  I kind of like "insert beauty here" or something like that, because I enjoy the irony (without it, you become another person with the same tattoo).  Or find another word for beauty.

    Radiant.  Brilliant.  Luminous.  <---- are my personal favorites, because the imagery is specific to light, though they have other meanings as well.  Consult a thesaurus.

    Get the tattoo only after you find out what you really mean and want to say (you'll be saying it forever, and also to other people due to the area you chose), and if you've heard the phrase often written or spoken by others, stay away from it.  And try to get a font other than the typical tattoo fonts - it looks classier without them.

  3. "from the heart"  "true love comes from within" "inner beautiful comes from within"

  4. Carpe carp: Seize the carp.

    L'amour ne dure jamais: Love never lasts.

    Semper ubi sub ubi: Always where under where.

  5. the ever so overrated "no lies, just love."

  6. How about a whopper on on one wrist and some fries on the other. Because that's the only place you will be working with a tattoo on your hands and wrist .

  7. sad but true

  8. I have "what goes around, comes around" going around my ankle.

  9. "This Was A Bad Idea"

  10. never say die

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