
Phrases in an Australian Accent?

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Has anyone got any phrases in australian? Such as 'dirdy boddle o' wadder'.

Thanks for your help.




  1. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I've never heard of 'dirty bottle of water'. What's that meant to mean?

    I think various slang terms are used in different parts of Australia. The majority of those listed above are hardly used. I personally don't use them and I think it's odd that Australia is associated with so many of them. A lot of them have possibly been used in the past and used as a way to market Australia. No idea.

  2. Crikey!!! ... for a very stereotypical crocodile hunter

  3. colloquial language

    "hella/h**l" -very

    "ay"-yes or right?




    thts all i cn think of.

  4. don't come the raw prawn with me

    your a dag

    couldn't organise a chook raffle in a pub

    couldn't organise a p**s up in a brewry

    a plank short of a pier

    a few bricks short of the wall

    and lots more just can't think of any at the mo

  5. ♣Your bloods woth bottling

    (said to an admirable person)

    ♣Your true Blue

    (your a good person)

    ♣Too big for your boots

    (your vane)

    ♣Drag his name thriygh the mud

    (speak ill of someone)

    ♣Too many fingers in the pie

    (too many people interfering)

    ♣Dead horse


    ♣Jimmy Brits (hes got the)


    ♣Don't get ya knickers in a know

    (don't get so angry)

    ♣Can't run with te hare and hunt with the hounds

    (can't have it both ways)

    ♣A 2 pot screamer

    (someone whos easily drunk)

    ♣His elevator doesent go to the top floor

    ♣He Hasent got enought brains to get a headache

    ♣As sharp as a bowling ball

    ♣One brick shy of a load

    ♣A couple of tinnies short of a slab

    ♣A few roos loose in the top paddock

    (dumb person)

    ♣Knuckle sandwick

    (a punch in the mouth)

    ♣<somethings> is the most fun you can have with your pants on

    (really fun)

    ♣Happy as Larry

    ♣Happy as a pig in mud

    (very happy)

    ♣Pat Malone


    ♣That'll be the day

    ♣Bucklys and none


    ♣Do the Harold Holt

    (Bolt, Harold Holt was an Australian Prime Minister who dissappeared at sea)

    ♣Is the Pope catholic?


    Hope they help

  6. I have to say that dirdy boddle o' wadder is not an Australian phrase as far as i know and i am Australian.

    It is actually really embarrassing to think that other countries think this is how we speak.

    'Throw another shrimp on the barbie' was said by Paul Hogan  in the  80's and nobody ever uses it but it seems that this phrase is what we are well known for.

    Another hint :-

    We don't use 'Cobber' as reference to a friend like they did in WW1 or 'true blue' to explain if something is genuine.

    These saying might still be used with people who live out in the country but not your day to day Australian.

    The one thing we still do use it 'Mate'. But as far as i am aware the English also use this.

    Anyway, Australia has moved on and cringes at the thought we are still defined by these phrases.

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