
Phychics', witches, mediums, ghost witnesses, vampires ONLY!?

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What are your feelings on skeptisism? Have any of you had worst than annoying experiances with them?

How many skeptics clicked the link?




  1. i don't pay them any mind..i have better ways to spend my time.

  2. I am a ghost witness and several times with UFO's.  My physhic abilities are not that good as they used to be. My great grandpa was phychic so  I thats where I got it from. I have also been around several differnt types of witches. Skeptics dont bother me unless they are one of those very narrow minded ones that deny anything dealing with the paranormal without even listening.

  3. im  a psi vamp....couple annoyances...the skeptics think they are always right

  4. That's kind of a broad question.  You listed several things and asked about experiences with skepticism.  The trouble is that it's certainly possible to believe in one or more of the things you listed and be skeptical of others.  If a person has witnessed a ghost and says they're psychic but is skeptical of vampires does that make them a skeptic or believer?

  5. I'm a vampire.

    I haven't told many people, but I have told a few of my closest friends. I thought they would be able to trust me, and I could trust them. A few of them did keep their word, but some are just unable.

    It turns out some people are completely opposed to the idea of vampires existing, and will actually fight to keep that ignorance alive. A few of the friends I've told are trying to convince me that I'm delusional, and are trying to shove something about anemia down my throat. They honestly aren't capable of accepting the idea of vampirism.

    As far as skepticism goes, I'd say some people just don't have very open minds. It's nothing against them, it just makes life very difficult for people like me. No wonder we've been running under the gun for so many hundreds of years.

  6. ಠ_ಠ

  7. i dont no about witches or vampires..  but..ive seen ghosts b4 i lived in a haunted house 3 times..btw wht do witches do?

  8. As someone else has pointed out - you've addressed a rather mish-mashed group here.  I am a witch, have witnessed paranormal activity, and have some psychic abilities...I'm not a medium, but I believe there are mediums who communicate with spirits. I don't believe there are actual vampires in the world (I know there are some who practice a sort of vampirism, but I don't believe in the vampires like in the movies.)

    I don't have much of a problem dealing with skeptics, unless in addition they are completely closed minded and insist that they're right about everything/I'm wrong about everything and disrespect my spiritual beliefs.  Nobody has *all* the answers, and people should treat others with the same respect they wish to be treated with.

    I believe we all should be somewhat skpetic.  In fact, I encourage my students to question everything - to not just accept what they read in a book or learn from one teacher as absolute fact - do some research on their own and discover, gain their own experiences to form their beliefs, etc. - just as I did and continue to do on my path to enlightenment.

    A little skepticism is healthy, so long as it doesn't take over and prevent one from entertaining new ideas or learning anything new.

  9. I'm a very curious person who 'takes everything with a grain of salt' just like Mom taught me. What is the point of making much ado about nothing.

    That's what makes it even more special when you experience something for yourself and not just from word of mouth. If I did that, I would become a pentacostalist just like my husband.

    I am a ghost witness that is looking into witchcraft and have worked with occult items. Truth seems to be transitory for me. It's never just found and that's the end. Once, I was part of a cult and I thought that was all there was. I won't fall for that again.

    If you think you have all there is, everything else has to be nothing, right? That's why I'm still a sceptic. At least I'm not the kind that won't at least consider the possibilities.

    My annoying experiences are usually with other people on YA and also with my husband. One day he just says,"the Bible says that some people love the darkness." I was so mad because he was implying that if you're not a Christian, it's because you are evil or naive and don't want the 'truth'. My not wanting to be a Christian isn't about me wanting the dark for myself but avoiding the dark in them!

  10. I'm a witch and a skeptic.  

    I heartily approve of skepticism and inquiry.  Otherwise, there is no limit to fraud and simple ignorance.  The more we know about how things work, the better we get at what we do.

    I don't need other people to believe in me to do what I do.  It doesn't bother me when people denounce my practices.  I'm not pagan for them, I'm pagan for myself.

  11. I really hate when I tell people that I am pagan/wiccan,and they just sat no.I once was swimming with a girl who told me she was Christian. I said oh thats nice. I am pagan. I believe in spirits and ghosts and apparitions and gods and goddesses. She said. Oh Well. Your wrong. I said well hats what I believe in. She said well,  your wrong. I was so angry. I just got up out of the water and walked all the way to my house. Gosh! I hate it when people do that. And once I did a  saionce with my friends and we contacted a girl in my room. Her name was Sarah Carter. She died in my house at age twelve. She said she broke her legs but was not allowed to tell how. Then we heard hr screaming. We agreed to let my brothers and their friend join. Right when I was about to go into a trance, My brother took my book of shadows and bashed me in th head wiht it. I proceeded in jumping on him and nearly ripping with throat out before I was pulled off of him and my friends continued to pummel him. (He is my older brother) I hate Why people can't just let us be. We do go around hitting catholic people! gosh! (NO offense to catholics  or Christians) I just know some really dumb people! (My broher is an aithiest by the way.) Thanks for listening.



    by the way...........

                       GERARD WAY FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. No one doubts me.  Generally, they find it a bit uncanny how I know things....  but I just tell them that I have an overdeveloped logic and high level deductive reasoning and they relax.

  13. you could do with an ethereal dictionary methinks

  14. You can mark a notch in the skeptic column. Well, not so much a skeptic as a total non-believer.

  15. I am not a witch or a vampire...and people have a right to believe or not believe anything they like...I don't discuss or try to defend my experiences...

  16. I am a Witch.

    It is not skeptics I have the trouble with... it is the people who either consider me evil when they do not even know me, disrespect my beliefs, or try to convert me.

    Even my closest friend laughs at me when I mention my religion. It is hard being patient with him, and trying to slowly make him see that his words hurt. I do not mind that he doesn't believe I can cast spells or effect change through ritual - that doesn't bother me in the least. It is only the fact that he openly throws his skeptisism in my face, and disrespects my beliefs that bother me.

    I do not mind skeptics. I cannot claim to be open-minded and accepting, and then begrudge people their beliefs (or disbeliefs as the case may be). It is only when that skeptisism becomes cruel or disrespectful that I have problems with it.

  17. I'm psychic, but I'm also a skeptic. Go figure.

    I'm still learning to actually trust and believe in my psychic abilities. They either scare me or leave me laughing at the reaction when I tell people what they're about to say.

  18. I'm a psychic.  I hate when people bring up about that million dollar prize if a psychic can claim it.  We're not all out there for money, you know.  It's like in the Bible when Jesus was meditating in the wilderness for 40 days and nights and was hungry.  The Devil tempted him, saying, "If you're truly the Son of God, you'll turn those rocks into bread to eat."

    Here's a question someone posted about us:;...

    I admit, I got a little bitchy in my answer, but the question sounded a little hostile.

  19. I have had few annoying experiences with them simply because I learned not to discuss these subjects with very many people.  It seems like they live to make others miserable, or they are jealous because they don't have similar experiences.

  20. In our world of facts it is hard to find people that look outside the normal grind of how they are used to seeing it.  People think that since they can pour a cup of coffeet today and the day before that they will be able to do the same thing tomorrow.

    In that vein they are the same people that want proof, facts and an explanation that stands up to all scientific reason.

    All I know is that they should come and stay a week in my house.  Maybe they would have a different opinion?

  21. I think skeptisism can be healthy.  I don't have a problem with people not believing as it's their right not to believe.  They don't however have the right to insist that I have to believe they are right and I am wrong.

    I know what I've seen and experienced, they don't.

  22. well my ex thought she was a witch not sure if she still does have not talked to her in awhile but she kicked me in a place for no reason before so I punched her in the chest lol fun times but also annoying o.o

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