so here's the story (i'll try to make it short so i won't lose you..)
i went to a party, met this guy (who claimed to be single) and we made-out and some stuff. but his physco girlfriend found his number in his phone, and now she won't stop calling me! the first couple calls i would answer, and we talked it over. i told her the truth on what happened and how he lied to me, and how he cheated on her.. but now she calls from restricted numbers, and won't freaking stop!
she called like for 30minutes straight last night, and then i had it and turned off my phone. i called the alltel company and they say they can't block the calls..
but she even tried to hack into my voicemail (i have this spiffy voicemail message that told me there were 3 failed attempts to access my voicemail at ... by an unrecognized phone number.) this pisses me off!
should i get the law involved? what do i do???!!