
Physic dreams?

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ok, i know i already said i have them but how do better manipulate them so i can have them more often and on more important subjects rather than stupid little things?

is there some kind of mental excersixe i can do, or someone i can ask to help me with this?

anything that can help me increase this ability is more then welcome

thank you




  1. Inability to spell is not a sign of stupidity. One of the greatest German poets was a bad speller; yet his stories and poems were outstanding. What you want to learn is how the dream spells the future.

    Reading dreams is an art and a skill. Like with any language you have to grapple with it until you master it. Here is what I tell dreamer's like you; it will give you an idea of what to expect when you start to observe your dreams seriously and keep a diary and scrutinise it on a regular basis: Dreaming things ahead comes up quite often on this site; I am keeping count of it and process the results. The odds are in favour of dreams coming true.

    I have made a lifelong study of the future factor of dreams and found that ALL dreams are about the FUTURE. At the beginning of our AWAKENING to this fact we can only see those dreams come true that manifest literally, those which are coming true as you have dreamt them, in short, those that manifest as DÉJÀ VUS.

    As you focus more on this phenomenon, you will see that dreams are the basis of all PSYCHIC PERCEPTION. They are the cause not only of DÉJÀ VU, but also of PREMONITIONS, of INTUITION, INSTINCT and ALL PSYCHIC PHENOMENA as well. The difference between these and the DÉJÀ VU is that you have no recollection of the dream that told you what would happen or where an IDEA or INSPIRATION or PREMONITION etc. came from.

    I said ALL dreams come true, but only few in the way we see it happen in the dream. Those we miss coming true have come true in a figurative or METAPHORICAL manner.

    Example: you may dream that you are sailing on a cloud through the skies. When you wake up you won't of course fly up there, but instead you will FEEL AS IF you were up there sailing through the clouds. And if you were asked how you felt on the day of this dream, you would most likely say: "I AM ON CLOUD NINE!"

    We are so used to metaphors in our daily speech that we don't even realise that we use them constantly. We take them for granted but when the dream uses them we find it 'weird'. Just look at some oft the daily metaphors we use in waking life such as: He stabbed me in the back, he is a pain in the neck, she is caught in a vice, he is weak kneed, he shot himself in the foot, you haven't got a leg to stand on, he has fallen in love... FALLEN?? Why do we say FALLEN? Do we mean this literally or metaphorically? The latter of course and so does the dream with all of its metaphors. Or look at the term ‘she was my highschool crush’! When you have fallen in love you are indeed crushed, but not under a car, but by the influx of all those sexual hormones!

    Once you learn the language of the dream you will realise that we are in the hands of a power that is much grater than our little selves. Once you have realised deeply that dreams are your PROMPTERS at the footlights of the THEATRE OF LIFE, you will learn to resign to that Power that knows all and IS all.

    Indeed, you will understand that you are not separate from that Power. You will also see that TIME IS AN ILLUSION. You will comprehend then that when we are awake we are governed by that part of the brain that slows everything down to a step by step perception of reality, and you will also see that when we are asleep and dream that another part of the brain is at work; one that allows you to see some distance into the future, one in which the barriers of time have broken down to a certain extent.

    One of the best pieces of evidence that time is illusory and has different speeds is the Near Death Experience during which many persons in the grips of dying see their whole life passing before their eyes on 'fast forward' at such a high speed that it only takes minutes to cover an entire life experience in the tiniest details.

    With this in mind you realise that THE BRAIN HAS THREE BASIC ‘GEARS’: The first ‘gear’ being the waking gear where things move slowly moment by moment with the future remaining totally hidden.

    The second ‘gear’ is the dream gear. There time and space are contracted like the information in a zip program for the computer. Once unscrambled on the ‘desktop’ it will reveal facts and events of the future.

    The third gear is the ‘fast-forward’ gear that comes into action as you approach death.

    There is also a fourth slot for your gear stick: ‘NEUTRAL’. This neutral position is the most difficult to grasp. Only the mystical experience will open up the brain to that most incomprehensible of all ‘gears’. I called it ‘neutral’ because it is open to all directions simultaneously: you experience past, present and future in ONE INSTANT. It is the supreme evidence that time is an illusion. But it also shows that we, who have not had the experience of the ‘open gear’, are split personalities, split into dreamers and ‘wakers’. One way of healing this rift between our two apparent halves is to observe our dreams and correlate them to their corresponding waking experiences. By doing so we are crossing the rainbow bridge to total integration of the SELF.

    PS 1 One more thing: Dreams are tricky. Sometimes they portray your anxieties. When they do, you dream that one mishap after another is happening. But then it may turn out that those mishaps are your fears superimposed on actions that are not disastrous at all.

    PS 2 Some dreamers believe that dreams are warnings of impending disasters to allow them to change things. But it is clear from the dream Abraham Lincoln had about his death which he told his wife and discussed with her that there is nothing we can do to evade destiny. In fact Lincoln’s dream shows that the dream can see even beyond our body’s death. This is clear from the fact that in his dream Lincoln could actually see the soldiers guarding his coffin. This is something which he could not possibly do while still in the body. This opens up a plethora of new questions about dreams capacity and the nature of the dreamer and indeed about our earthly existence!

  2. Oh, maan- your attempt to spell "psychic" says much about your kinda basic level of understanding- however, you do aspire to better-than-stupid subjects...lessee- you've heard what may be possible, but know not of the means, OK?

    OK- start with "Lucid Dreaming", to be found on IDK how authoritative they are, but it's a start. is another site, just be advised it's pretty commercial, maybe limited in scope.

    JIC you are better advanced than your question seems to say, start with these two, but check for further references: good luck.

  3. Pray to God your Creator for wisdom.  This is not a gift to be taken lightly, or even sought after.  Huge responsibility comes along with it, and unless you are ready for that, you do not need to cultivate the gift.

  4. MAybe go to a couple physic and talk to them and maybe have them read you and if you go to more then one then you can choose which one seems like the real deal. And dont tell them about your developing gift because real physics can tell if you have the gift. My mom went to a physic and they told her that she had the gift and they showed her different ways to enhance it. GOOD LUCK!

  5. psychic ppl!!! psychic.... who ever dreams about physics??? anyway, to answer ur qns, u need to visit an astrologer or sth... he can tell u stuff abt u n ur little dream  there by checking ur bdate and birth time..

  6. try to go to another physic, a professional. good luck

  7. Go to the library or a local bookstore and check out/ buy books about dreams and dream symbols. I have 3 dream dictionaries, and two on dreams in general. I have read that if you read about dreams before you sleep you are more likely to remember your dreams. Also, you can try keeping a dream journal. Every time you have a dream, write it down in a notebook. Doing this will, over time, help you increase how many dreams you can remember when you wake up and all the details. Another way is to rearrange your room every once in a while. Sleeping in a different direction helps dream remembrance as well. I suggest investing in a dream dictionary. My favorite is the "Dreamer's Dictionary," the authors name is Garuda (doesn't have anything else) and published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Not every dream is a psychic dream, but can help you in every day life. The main purpose of dreams is to expell all of the stresses of our day. Sometimes they are revealing of our subconcious stresses, and sometimes they are psychic. I've had a few of them, sometimes they are obvious, others are discrete within the symbols of the dream. I hope this helped you! Good luck.

  8. my father says the same thing i would suggest thinking of what you want to see in to the future about i have done it a little but not completely succesful

  9. As a physic myself ; I will honestly tell you ;  there     no exercise you can do to accelerate your physic abilities . I am sure of 2 things ;; do not do drugs and do not drink ; [ of course you can take a beer or a couple glass of wine once in awhile ] because ; drugs and alcohol are blocking the energy who is flowing around us . Try to meditate 15 min a day ; it does help ; but it will not open your gift wide open ; be patient and it will come

  10. Please go away
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