
Physic"s question!!!?

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what is gravitron?

plz explain me as if i am a layman




  1. It is graviton not gravitron. it is a theoretical particle having no mass and no charge that carries gravitational force. there is no conformation of existence of such particle.

    graviton is considered as a gauge boson.other gauge bosons are- the photon,the gluons and the W and Z particles. gauge boson are the particles that carry the four fundamental forces of nature(in some theory graviton is not considered as a gauge boson it is all confusing)

    photon -                electromagnetic interaction

    gluons -                mediate the strong nuclear interaction

    W and Z particles- weak interaction

    graviton-               Gravitation interaction(not yet discovered)

    Ps:i don't know much about quantum physics.   you must ask this question to a Quantum physics prof.


  2. GRAVITRON:- A theoretical particle without basis in Nature.

    The Gravitron (currently marketed as the Starship 2000) is an amusement ride, most commonly found as a temporary ride. First manufactured by Wisdom Industries in 1983 (patented in 1986), the Gravitron quickly became a fixture at fairs and carnivals in many countries. It is an improvement of an earlier ride called the Rotor. Several examples of the Gravitron were produced under licence, ARM in the UK and Ferrari in Australia.

  3. well a gravitron is a mathematical theory and object that many physicists believe exists in nature. It is thought to produce gravity at the quantam level. they are currrently working on a project called the large hadron collider in geneva where they will smash atoms together at a fraction of the speed of light and try to prove the existence of gravitron which therby will prove string theory. It is thought that a gravitron is massless.

  4. Gravitation is the force between any two or more objects in space. This force is always attractive force. And depends on mass of objects.....

  5. did you mean GRAVITONS!

    Gravitational force between two objects is due to the exchange of a type of particles, which are known as GRAVITONS.
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