
Physical Sensation while dreaming?

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anyone ever experience this?? Last night, i dreamed i was in a car, going over a very "hilly" area....while in the dream, i could physically feel my stomach doing flips!! it wasn't a bad dream, i wasn't at all scared, in fact, i enjoyed the feeling as i do in reality....any thoughts?




  1. The mind is a powerful thing.  There are even cases of women who want to be pregnant so bad the body mimicks every symptom and even grows thru the process till nine months but there is no and never was a baby there.  Look it up.  Interesting.

  2. That's happened to me so many times. Usually it happens right as I'm about to fall asleep...I'm just daydreaming about nothing in my bed, like I don't know, falling down stairs or something. And I suddenly shudder violently like I hit the ground. It's kinda funny. Then it takes me forever to get back into sleep again, but it's cool how powerful your mind is.

  3. Don't worry it's normal. When we dream, it's our brains working while we sleep, with all the information they've absorbed.

    Our brains control how our bodies move. So if we're moving in our minds, our brains will move our bodies too.... it's your brain at work while you are sleeping.

    Because the brain has the power over the body, the physical body can react to dreams. It's like if you wake up after a frightening dream with adrenaline, in a sweat. Our bodies function based on what's in our mind partly.

  4. yeah, when i had the flu i had a dream gnomes were feeding me soap and it was making me sick, so maybe you had a little bit of an upset stomach while you were sleeping, and your brain associated it with driving.

  5. the mind is a powerful thing...

  6. It happens, it's nothing to worry about. It's like in a dream where there's something wrong or dangerous and your body physically jolts so that you wake up. Your physical body often reacts to dreams, like a cold sweat for instance.

    Normally when you sleep there's a chemical released by our brains, the name of which I can't at the moment remember. This chemical essentially paralizes the body preventing it from moving during the dream. Occaisionally the brain produces slightly too little of the chemical which is probably what happened there. Coincidentally it is also a lack of this chemical that causes people to talk in their sleep, and in more extreme cases to sleep walk. (sorry, I know the biology lesson wasn't entirely relevant, but when in Rome)

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