
Physical advantages of making cakes?

by Guest64215  |  earlier

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Can sum1 help me!!! i need to kno the advantages and disadvantages of children making cakes..... thnx




  1. It helps with small motor developement.  It also enhances language skills.

  2. Dis=messy!

    Is good for their gross (major) muscle development (stirring)

    fine (small muscle) development is improved by measuring, pouring, placing icing on top; learning names and looks of ingredients, colors, textures

  3. Check out the link below.

    It has recipes for quite a few tasty cakes and desserts that can be prepared easily from home ..

  4. Expanding vocabulary, liquid, solid, blending , mixing, rising

    Colour, texture.

    Changing forms to do with physical properties... on a childs level the heat makes it go hard / solid etc.

    Physical - using gross motor skills.

    Use of measuring - which is heavier?

    You can discuss ingredients and which ones are good for you and not e.g. sugar not good for teeth

    Social / emotional development - taking turns, co-operation etc

    Disadvantages - kids wit allergies to ingredients, hot oven, mess

  5. large motor skills- scooping dry ingerdients, stirring batter, scooping batter into cake pan

    small motor- using teaspoons to measure, scooping batter into cupcake tins, frosting the cake,

    math- fractions, measuring, volume, time, subtraction and addition.

    there are no disadvantages really. sure it will be messy but that is what preschool is for.

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