
Physical and mental reaction to liquor?

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Physical and mental reaction to liquor?

I'm actually asking this question for a friend. She went out drinking about a month ago and drank more than half a bottle of that vodka/red bull combination, cherry flavored. There were also several maraschino cherries with the drinks. After this amount of drinking she got very sick, vomited several times. It was pretty gross and horrible, I was there.

Anyway she has abstained from drinking since then this past weekend she went out for the first time since. She had one mixed drink and even the smell made her feel like vomiting. The drink, every time she tried to drink it, made her feel physically repulsed and she shook (?) (like whole body revulsion, i don't know how to describe it). Maraschino cherries cause the same reaction/

She is still able to drink beer but anything else makes her physically ill She'd like to continue to drink mixed drinks though. She almost never drinks so this isn't an abuse problem. Any way to resolve this?




  1. Sometimes all it takes is one incident and the person develops a repulsion to something, in this case, alcohol.  Her body is telling her something - that she has taken it too far, and she's been given her warning.  I don't understand why not being able to consume alcohol would be an issue or a problem that needs to be resolved.  Your friend was given a harsh lesson on not overdoing anything.  All things in moderation, and your friend isn't going to suffer if she can/won't drink alcohol for the rest of her life, it is because of not doing so, that she will have a life.

  2. Probably not. She has basically told her body that liquor is an extremely  toxic substance (which it is) so naturally wants to get rid of it and vomiting is a pretty good way to get rid of poison.

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