
Physical hobby? Exercise?

by  |  earlier

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It's summer vacation for me, and I'm stuck at home. I want to do something that's sort of a physical exercise (Karate, judo, tae kwon do, etc...) anything to keep me from going insane(from boredom)! I'm a girl who's fit but not very athletic. Any recommendations???




  1. TAE KWON DO RULES!! It teaches you self defence self control non violent self defence, and confidence and flexibility

  2. Im g*y, i really know nothing about martial arts

  3. Just go to a school and check out a class or two to see if you like it.  If not, try something else.  You'll find something you like to do.

  4. How about good old fashioned WALKING?

    Take a hike and explore the countryside!

  5. Stick to cardio workouts down at ye ole' suburbanite fitness center..... that sounds like your cup of tea..... best advice for some one like you trust me!!!

    Edit: So Rob deleted all his g*y advertisements huh?..... cool because 3% of the entire population in the U.S. is deviate doesn't mean the rest of us should have to suffer through their g*y advertisements all the time ..... T.V.'s bad enough yo.

  6. Well, i am a very athletic person, and i believe i can assist you. =]

    well, first off you should go on runs in the mornings when it's not too hot outside. i run for 20-30 minutes straight. even if it's just speed walking, jogging, or running, it will help you stay physically fit.

    also, do crunches, and squats, and watch your diet.

    the things you put into your body, can really help making working out, less gruesome.

    good luck!

  7. Karate is probably the best if your just trying to get out of boredom but who knows maybe it could progress into some jujitsu and muy tai training.  Karate should get you outta that slump though.  Hope i was of some help.

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