
Physical or psychological?

by Guest62203  |  earlier

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I have a serious sexual problem.

I am male, 24 years of age, and not married. I am experiencing this problem since I was 16 years old.

Since then, this problem has remained intact, without any change and may be some worse.

1) Problem is that I ejaculate too much during dreams, infact many times without dreams, almost about every 2 days.

2) If I mastribute, although I do not, then it will less then 15 seconds for me to ejaculate, just a touch and go!

3) My sperms are always leaking from p***s.

4) I find myself too much, I mean too much attracted towards females or even anything related very little to female s*x, although I dont want to.

Due to these problems I found myself am mentally lazy as compared to age up to 16.

I am physically very thin (underweight) which is understandable with these sort of diseases.

Since the age of 16, due to these problems I am in extreme stress, I do not enjoy life any more, I dont feel any interest in anything, there is no longer any meaning of life to me.

I am a very very shy person, dont tell me to go to a doctor, I cant discuss a doctor these issues, tell me a cure to this/these diseases.





  1. No body can help you in this matter nor docotors, nor medicines.

    Only yoga is solution. If you really want to avoid sexual activities, then you need to start fully yoga course regularly and properly. 24 is not big age, it is still notlate, you can recover it. but don't wait, just start it. with in few months (min: 6 months), you will started feel healthful, beatiful, etc .

    now, you will definitely ask which yoga course?

    contact me on email, I'll reply you with some course, which you have to read carefully, and starting doing practically.

    This is my email:

    remember, s***n is life force, once you have starting wasting vigorously, you will ruin your life.

  2. No disease--there are yoga techniques to control leakage and to absorb sperm back into your body.  You just need more muscle control. The monks in the middle ages used to take an herb for it so you can go online and check that out.

  3. try doing some yoga it might help  

  4. Someone3, you're not going to find a cure on Yahoo Answers!

    It really sounds like you have some physical problems there that you need to deal with.  About the only place that you can deal with them properly is with a doctor and despite your worry about going to a doctor, common sense says that's the best thing you can do.  

    May I ask what it is that worries you about seeing a doctor?

    By the way, has this suddenly become a yoga support group or something?

  5. To h**l with shy dude.  If you need help the dr is the way.

    Mentally lazy has nothing to do with your p****r problems.

    What sort of diseases?

    You may have some chronic prostate disorder and should attended.

    Get over the shyness or don't whine here.

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