
Physical therapy isn't working?

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I've been told by my orthopedist that my knee is degenerating, so he decided that I would go to physical therapy for a month and if that didn't make my knee stronger/better, then they would scope it to see if there was a problem that didn't show up on the MRI. Well, I've been going for three weeks now, and instead of getting etter, my knee is becoming much worse. One of my therapists says that, because my numbers (in strength and movement) have been continually decreasing, I should go to the doctor now to have my knee checked and stop therapy. The other says that I should try and push through the pain and see if we can make my knee better and then go to the doctor if it doesn't improve in one week. Which one should I listen to?




  1. ...decreasing mechanics of the joint despite  physical therapy = see what else is going on. would be one thing if it wasn't getting any better to "push through the pain", but if you are actually getting worse, time for a second opinion  

  2. You probably should stop therapy and get it looked at now.  You are 75% of the way done with therapy and you have been having NEGATIVE results?  There is no way you will improve in the next week.  There is a difference between having pain and actually getting worse.  My husband is in school for physical therapy and he thinks the second therapist is an idiot.

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