
Physices help about increase in frequency?

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In a experiment i had to determine how the length of a pendulum affects the time of each swing.

i tried it for 20 seconds i got 40 swings first time and 32 swings when i shorten the string in the same time

does that seem like good results or should I try it again??

Because it sounds off relating back to the formula??? any help, 10 points for good answer




  1. If you shortened the string you should have got faster. Something went wrong in your experiment.


  2. Freq as a function of length is given by: ω = √(g/l)

    What you're asking is if the freq of the shorter string makes sense with the frequency you got (32 swings).

    I am not sure what you are calling a "swing". The term used is a "cycle", which has a specific meaning, which, in this case, would be; when you release the pendulum, it will 'swing' out and then back again. That is one cycle, and that is the number that should be counted....1, 2, 3, 4 cycles, etc

    At any rate, based on what you've given, the longer length string should be just a little over 1.5 times the length of the shorter string, which I doubt, but check for yourself. Hopefully thjs will help out.

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