
Physics: Bike and Bee problem ?

by Guest62424  |  earlier

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when the 10 km/h bikes are 20 km apart. a bee began flying from one wheel to the other at at a steady speed of 30km/h, when it gets to the wheel, it abrupt turns around and flies back to touch the first wheel, then turns around and keeps repeating the back and forth trip until the bike meets and SQUISH!

how many kilometers did the bee travel in its total back and forth trips?

it must have answers and work. and explanation.. im stuck with this for hours.




  1. the bikes take one hour to meet since they are 20km apart and moving together at a combined 20 km/hr

    the bee flys at 30 km/h and will therefore cover 30 km in the hour before  squish.

  2. 40

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