
Physics help plz?

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in a yr 10 experiment called how does resistance change along a wire, i need to know why you vary the amount of voltage in the experiment. Thanx




  1. To make the experiment more reliable by providing a variety of readings.

  2. The resistance increases proportional to temperature.

    The resistance is opposite proportional to the cross area of the wire.

    Each wire material has a specific Resistance pr mm^2 cross area each meter length.

  3. You need to vary the voltage so you can get a variety of readings which will allow you to plot a graph. The gradient of this graph will tell you how much resistance increases as the wire gets longer.

    Set up a simple test circuit and use a variable resistior between the power supply and the ammeter and vary its resistance to alter the voltage.

  4. Well Tobes I guess you weren't paying attention in class were you.

    I presume you are investigating the change in current in a circuit as the length of the wire is changed.

    Connect up a circuit with a power source, ammeter and a length of wire in series. The wire is connected via a croc clip that can be clipped on the wire at various lengths. A voltmeter could be placed in parallel across the length of wire if required - this can be used to  give an actual resistance value.

    Decide on what lengths of wire you are to investigate - 10, 20, 30, cm .......etc.

    Draw up a table of current against length and record the current reading for each length ( repeat each reading at least twice  , preferably 3 times.)

    Plot a graph of length against current.

    Repeat this for different volt readings
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