
Physics of skateboarding???

by  |  earlier

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i want to make an experiment that replicates the principles that apply in skate boarding....i mean a little experiment like curved ramp and rolling something out...simply to show acceleration, deceleration and prove kinetic and potential energy....i have an experiment in mind...but does anyone have any suggestions?, like any problems i might encounter on the way??? or things i should concider?




  1. you have to consider friction forces, the coeffecient of friction of the surface you are going to be skating on. and the total weight of yourself and the skateboard to know the normal force.

    you have to know the distance you will be travelling and measure the time taken, and make yourself accelerate uniformily (if u can).

    it will not be very accurate because in physics calculations, the ideal çonditions dont apply to real life because in physics calculations we neglect the air resistance, so in real life situatuion you have to consider this one too

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