
Physics only : Who will win the Super Bowl?

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Who ever answers correct will get ten points. 50 percent chance




  1. NYG

  2. Looks like erm got this right and answered first.

    Wonder why she hasn't been awarded the 10 points yet.


  3. Using physics only, I wouldn't be able to tell you the winner unless I knew the trajectories of each player and every pass. Using Newton's equations of motion, I could calculate it out -- theoretically  :)

    But if you mean psychics, New England over Giants 24-16

    EDIT: The Giants won. So much for my psychic career.

  4. Whoever is playing against the patriots. The patriots will not win. I predict a point spreat of about 4 points.

    How did I do?

  5. Giants, 17-14

  6. Patriots

  7. First if you want an answer from a "physic" go to that section.

    If you want an answer from a "Psychic", Pats will win.

  8. New York Giants will win 17-14.

  9. Mark this down: the Vikings will beat the Chargers in the Super Bowl in the year 2019. That's a genuine psychic premonition.

  10. Giants

  11. The Dallas Yankees, or the other team that's playing [whomever they are]

  12. the best team

  13. New England will win. I told you first.

    Oh, now I know why I missed it!   I used Physics instead of my psychic ability.  I misunderstood.

    My psychic ability told me New York.   Do I win?

  14. The NY Giants

  15. I predict that the Giants will win: 17-14.

    I predicted this 10 days ago.  

    Send me money.  Make me famous.  Listen to what I say about anything I talk about.

    I predict that next year's Superbowl will be won by the team with the most points at the end of regulation time.

  16. I'm not a "physic"..or a psychic..but I predict (from the future) that the Giants will be "out on the town" tonight celebrating..and the Patriots will be "crawling" home. So sad for the Patriots..but our former coach (who we got "rid" of) was the WINNING coach tonight!!! Tom Coughlin! Guess Jacksonville is "eating crow" tonight!!

    Edit.. T.R. LOL...You can't be a psychic if you don't even believe that the paranormal exists!! You get an F for Effort though! lol oops..that wasn't a good grade, was it!!?

    Edit..Hope "erm" wins!!!

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