
Physiology homework help!?

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Ok what does central and peripheral mean when refering to the human body? Thanks.:)




  1. you need to elaborate more on your question but if you're referring specifically to the nervous system:

    CENTRAL nervous system is composed of the brain and the brain stem

    PERIPHERAL nervous system is composed of the spinal cord and spinal nerves which start from the nerve roots as they come out of the spine.

    if you're asking about their meaning based on locations (like peripheral or central vision) it's easier to remember if you keep in mind that CENTRAL means center so it's at the center of the body if you place an imaginary line that divides the body into two downward (each side with an eye, an ear, arm and leg) while peripheral means at the side so anything going away from the center is peripheral.

  2. the central nervous system is things we control - speaking, touching, movements, etc.

    peripheral is the "automatic" stuff - breathing, digestion, heartbeat, etc

    (i think)

  3. Centre means what is at the centre. Peripheral those at the edge - hands feet etc.

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