
Piaget explained that infants under 9 months don’t search for hidden objects because they lack knowledge of ob

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Piaget explained that infants under 9 months don’t search for hidden objects because they lack knowledge of ob




  1. .Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of

              sight. Piaget's account of this ability is as follows:

                   In stages 1 and 2, infants appear to not have any understanding of object permanence.

                   Stage 3 infants show that a partial view of something is now enough to remind them of the

                   whole (need perceptual cues of existence of objects).

                   Stage 4 infants will search for hidden objects, yet show the A-not-B error.

                   Stage 5 infants will search for a hidden object wherever it disappeared last from sight, yet do

                   not understand invisible displacements.

                   Stage 6 infants have a mature understanding of object permanence.

            2.Further Research on Infants' Understanding of Objects

                   Earlier ages for reaching object permanence milestones have been noted. An age limitation

                   of Piaget's tasks is the need for manual search and memory. Some have used habituation, as

                   discussed in Chapter 4, to minimize search and memory constraints. Less stringent criteria

                   are used in research presently.

            3.Perception of Partially Hidden Objects

                   Some, using variants of a habituation technique, have shown that 3.5- to 4.5-month-olds show

                   some knowledge of object properties when the objects are partially hidden.

            4.Evidence of Object Permanence in Stage 3 Babies

                   4- to-8-month-olds have some understanding of object permanence (research by Baillargeon

                   is presented). Object permanence seems to develop before the ability to mentally represent a

                   hidden object's size and location.

            5.Explaining Infants' Search Behavior

                   Infants may have trouble with the means-ends behavior required to search for hidden

                   objects-lifting a cloth to allow retrieval of a toy under it.

                   The A-not-B error may be due to memory limitations.

                   The A-not-B error may be due to the inability to inhibit the reinforced response.

            6.Summarizing research on the object concept

                   Piaget was accurate about the sequence in which the object concept is acquired but

                   underestimated the rate of acquisition.

                   Basic understanding of object permanence emerges sometime between 3 and 5 months of


                   Object search behavior lags considerably behind object-related looking behavior.

                   The use of research methods that catch more subtle signs of understanding than Piaget's

                   methods are still emerging.

  2. object permanence

  3. They don't understand object permanence, meaning they don't understand that it still exists even when they don't see it.

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