
Piano help please.. im desperate!?

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ok so i really want to buy a piano. I am not currently learning but i've been teaching myself and i went to a teachers lesson and she was amazed with my talent, i also play electric guitar. I have at the moment a little keyboard which has got like half the notes of a normal piano. I want to take it a step up and get a piano which sounds like a Grand Piano. My parents are willing to pay 2000 plus my 1000 extra so thats 3000$ and i know its hard to get a grand piano thats in good condition for that price, so should i buy a new grand piano? buy a second hand grand piano or buy a keyboard with a grand piano setting? I really like Grands so thats what i am aiming to get. Please help me :)

Thanks to all that help me




  1. Instead of buying a grand piano outright, look into renting one on a monthly basis.  The monthly payments can often be credited towards the purchase of the piano should you find a suitable grand to your liking.  And of course, check into the used marketplace for grand pianos, such as at

    Good luck!

  2. you def need a piano with all the keys. it is a cool thing for any household and you need it if you are serious about learning, especially if you are going to do classical stuff. i doubt you will be able to get a grand piano for any low sum, but i would suggest a stand up piano. i have played on one for the past 12 years and it has work beautifully, sounds great and everything.

  3. Check the classified ads in the newspaper.  I once found a baby grand piano that an older woman wanted to get rid of for $500.  After going and looking at it, I knew it needed some repair and I asked her if I could have my piano tuner come look at it and determine how much money I'd have to put into it to fix it up ... she eventually told me that if I'd come and get that I could have it for free.  

    Point being - you never know what you'll find, and you could get lucky.

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