
Piano help <span title="plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I have no clue how to read piano notes or any musical notes at all. Is it hard to learn from scratch? Wheres a good free online site to learn? How long will it take me to be able to read notes. Is it easier to play guitar without knowing how to read notes or piano?




  1. I would definitely start learning piano first, since it&#039;s probably one of the most basic instruments. It&#039;s not too difficult to start from scratch, and the time frame for learning depends on how fast you can learn (it usually only takes a few days to learn the basics) I would start with the right hand first, then the left hand. I&#039;m sorry I don&#039;t know a good online site to learn from. But here are some basics:

    Fingerings for right hand: thumb: 1, index finger: 2, middle finger: 3, fourth finger: 4, pinky: 5.

    Same concept for left hand.

    There are 5 lines and 4 spaces for both right and left hand. For the right hand (upper line), the notes on the lines are E,G,B,D,F (bottom to top). the notes in the spaces are F,A,C,E (bottom to top).

    For the left hand (lower line), the notes on the lines are G,B,D,F,A (bottom to top). The notes in the spaces are A,C,E,G.

    Hope I helped a bit.

  2. well you can learn how to sound out simple songs or get a friend to teach you &quot;heart and soul&quot; on piano, but if you want to be good at any instrument, you&#039;ll have to learn to read music. here&#039;s one site...

    here&#039;s another...

  3.      Your best course of action, is to connect with a good piano teacher.


  4. just start with an easy chart,

    then look on youtube,

    its pretty easy.

    good luckk(:

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