
Pic of Keira Knightley. Who thinks she is hot OR not?

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I always thought she was quite pretty and not one of those stars to obsess about weight, but this pic makes me absolutely sick and I wonder who could think she is s**y after seeing this?




  1. umm... yeah d u m b a s s, can't you see the pic is obviously photoshopped? and badly photoshopped i might add. she's skinny but not anoerexic and near death looking!! come on!  

  2. dear God!

    i feel like eating something when i see that photo

  3. thats photoshopped

  4. I think she is Beautiful. But not hot.

  5. She's pretty, but I think she should gain some weight...

  6. WOW.

    Thats the worst photoshopped pic ever seen.

  7. Thats Been Photoshopet

    It kinda Obv

  8. shes seriously pretty that pic is clearly photoshopped she looked absolutely gorgeous in POTC, it must be said. The name of the site is even destination CREATION. look at this pic.

  9. That's been Photoshoped.

  10. thats a photoshopped pic, but even so, Kiera Knightly is disgusting

  11. Sorry, nobody can be that thin and survive. Even the Aushwitz survivors were fatter.

  12. too skinny

  13. LMAO! I can't beleive there's actually people who think that is a real pic!

    I think the non-photoshopped pic of her is quite hot.

  14. Eww. So skinny.

  15. OMJ that is UGLY!!!!!!!!!

    that stupid crazy hat song from that one stupid show..... wizards of Waverley place.tryin to look like Keira Knightley.WHO would wanna look like a walking skeleton?!

  16. Well, look at her,where is her hotness?she even looks skinnier than kate bosworth. thats totally a not hot, her skeleton is already exposed...

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