
Pick a country, any country...?

by Guest59770  |  earlier

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I would like to go into hotel management at some sort of vacation resort. I know Spanish, French, and English. I'm willing to learn more.

I'd like a warm climate outside of the US, but I can't decide where I'd like to work. Any suggestions? Thanks in advanced.




  1. In my country of 7,107 islands of the Philippines!

  2. Canada!!! Free Healthcaree!!! & only need to speak english & french.

  3. go to the iberian peninsula.  you can choose from spain, france, and portugal.  when you get there, send a postcard.  goodluck

  4. The place I'd LOVE to go to is Ireland. There is SO much culture there! Althought i don't know how warm it is?

  5. I think you should try the Canary Islands (en Espnol se llaman Las islas Canarias).

    I used to know eople who came from the Canary Islands and have since moved back to live there. The youngest girl who is now an adult knew Spanish English and Learned German after moving back to the Canary Islands. French is also good to know if you go into the resort industry (hotel mangament reosrts tour guides etc) But German will help you evwn more as many German speaking Tourists go to the Canary Isalnds for winter vacations.  

    Also the climate is temperate all year round. It is also a peaceful place where nothing "bad' ever seems to happen.  

    So I think with your knowledge of English spanish French and if you can pick up a good working knowledge of German you will be pretty set ot go and have a career in hotel mangement in a fantastic place in the world beauty wise and climate wise and you will meet many many tourists and you will be able to use your lnaguage skills along with your hotel,management training.

    Also it is not the usual resort area that immediately comes to mind so I think it would be a great place to ahve a career.

  6. austailllia

  7. Jamaica

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