
Pick a side- what causes global warming??

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almost every major ecological phenomenon- global warming, holes in the ozone- can be seen from two perspectives: Humans are to blame, or is it the natural order and would have happened anyway?




  1. Find "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and watch it.

    Contributor "Bob" quotes the IPCC, which is funded by UNEP, the WMO, and it's own trust fund which is supported by donations from various governments.  This lends a degree of distrust because if they find that global warming is NOT caused by humans, they're out of a cushy job.

    He also quotes John McCain, politician(oh yeah I trust that)

    Charles Holliday, Jr. CEO of DuPont(hmmm climate expert?)

    Lee Scott, CEO Wal-Mart (another climate expert). I would venture to say that Bob is buying what Al Gore (degree in Journalism, another climate expert) is selling.

    Global warming is real.  What is debatable is how much is the fault of human existance, and how much the globe is warming.

    The UHI (urban heat island) effect is underestimated.  

    The accuracy of meteorogical instrumentation has changed drastically in the last 20 years as well.

    Temperature is not directly related to CO2 as average temps dropped from 1940 - 1960 despite constant rises in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.  This leads one to believe that there are other factors that effect temperature that are not being considered.

    Both sides of the issue have careers and money at stake, so I don't think you're ever going to see the truth.

    Just remember that whatever happens, we need to keep our planet clean. It's just good sense.  And we shouldn't need a global crisis to make us aware of this.

    Lastly, I find it interesting that little is mentioned about global warming until after the Berlin Wall fell and the "Cold War" was over.  Could it be that the media needs a current crisis to keep the weak-minded in fear and buying the daily paper?

    I could go on for hours, but there's just not enough space.

    Read "State of Fear" and research the references.  Good fiction, based on little known facts.

  2. Humans are 100% to blame for global warming. We consider ourselves to be superior to all species, but cannot even maintain healthy living conditions in our own habitat. Sure, natural order may cause this to happen anyway, but over a span of, perhaps, millions of years. We sure did it this time! I truly believe that our (near) future generations will be paying for what we are causing in the enviroment today. It's sad, but true.  What's even sadder, is that so many people don't seem to care much about their actions. They have a "It won't hurt me" attitude! People need to wake up and make a change!!!!

  3. In the last 100 years eco-alarmists have declared man is causing global cooling then warming then cooling again and now warming again. it's all hype, dont buy into it.

    There are many  climate scientists who believe we are heading into a cooling period after 30yrs of warming. sounds like a cycle to me!

    In the 60's everybody thought that the worlds population would increase to the point that there would be wars over food and oil by the year 2000.

    well 2000 came and went and there were no shortages of food or oil and the population leveled off without the benefit of government programs.  Oil supplies are getting tight but it's more due to government policies then a lack of resources.

  4. Why pick a side? All of them are causes of global warming.

    It maybe increasing sun activity or pollution from mankind, but it doesn't matter. It's getting warmer and we have got to do something about it.

    Don't you agree?

  5. maybe because Earth is being pulled closer to the sun because the suns gravitational pull is so strong. Since we are slowly going towards the sun, we are slowly heating up.=D Ever think of that? hmmm? Humans contributed to it how? we concentrated the heat so it raises around .001 degrees a year more then normal. Eh.. I dont think its too bad. Saying most of the pollution was from the last 100 years. Give it another 100 years and itll be gone

  6. Unless humans have at some point become above or outside the natural process [and they haven't]..... even "man-made" global warming, if it exists, is a natural process.

  7. The answer to this question is pretty simple, just look at the past.

    There have been FAR more extreme climate shifts, and they took place without humans being in the equation at all.

    The CURRENT warming trend started while humans were still living in caves.

    It just doesn't make sense to believe that millions of years of warming and cooling trends just stopped 100 years ago, and everything since is just because humans began industrializing.

  8. Only if you ignore the data, for both issues.

    Global warming is real and mostly caused by us.  Three reasons, with solid support, most important first.

    There's an overwhelming amount of peer reviewed scientific data that says that.  Short and long summaries.

    Science is quite good about exposing bad science or hoaxes:

    There's a large number of people who agree that it is, who are not liberals, environmentalists, stupid, or conceivably part of a "conspiracy".  Just three examples of many:

    "Global warming is real, now, and it must be addressed."

    Lee Scott, CEO, Wal-Mart

    "Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."

    Senator John McCain, Republican, Arizona

    “DuPont believes that action is warranted, not further debate."

    Charles O. Holliday, Jr., CEO, DuPont

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    Good website for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  9. I WARNED ALL AND WAS BLOCKED ,,,WISZARD2013,natas6665, in telling the truth and dealing with the problem,see ,punch it in ,opps,is that funny,come to save my world and they condemn it,as they condemed me,

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