
Pick one.?

by Guest56260  |  earlier

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Kovu, Zuko, or Zeke




  1. zuko

  2. Zeke

  3. no no and no

  4. I really hope you're not going to name a kid any of those names, but I'll pick Zeke.

  5. Zeke

    That's my friends dogs name. He's like a giant teddy bear :]

  6. Zeke :)

  7. Kovu

  8. Zeke (pronounced Zee-k right?)

  9. Zeke!

  10. Definitely Zeke. It's unique, but not TOO unique.

    Kovu is the name of a baby lion on The Lion King 2.

    Zuko reminds me of those Sudoku puzzles.

    I love Zeke. It's what my grandfather went by in the Navy during WW2.

  11. Zeke.

  12. ...i told you not to eat my cheeto!

  13. zeke,kovu, and zuko sound like names from the movie gladiator...

  14. You're naming a car, right?

  15. Kovu seems rather strange and Zuko is exotic but Zeke... I dont know about Zeke. There's just something s**y about that name! LOL

  16. Zeke... the others not so much, sorry

  17. Are you naming a pet or a person? Kovu sounds like an ancient South American God of vengeance; all I can think of with Zuko is Danny Zuko from Grease; and Zeke, well, I guess that's the best out of the three but it still smacks of hillbilly.

  18. zeke =)

    dont really like the other 2.
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