
Pick two: Venice, Barcelona, Dublin, Athens, Stockholm, Istanbul, or Budapest?

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It's my first time to Europe and I need to pick two cities from the above. I'm in my late twenties and travelling on somewhat of a budget. I'm doing my research and trying to pick two cities with plenty of contemporary culture to see. I'm not that into old ruins and castles.




  1. i fell in love with venice, didn't want to go home; actually cried when i left.  haven't personally been to any of the others on your list, but heard that barcelona and athens are amazing as well...

  2. Barcelona/Istanbul-but they are far from each other.

    You might want to choose two that are closer together so you don't have to travel as much and have more time in the places.

  3. Barcelona and Athens

  4. Barcelona and Istanbul

  5. Are you traveling alone?  Some women have issues traveling solo in Italy as men there can be more aggressive in their pursuits.

    Just based on the cities I would pick Venice for sure. London isn't on your list but has tons of contemporary culture. As a second city I'd go for Athens.

  6. They are all pricey cities. I was just in Dublin and was not too impressed, it didn't have anything to special to offer. I would do Barcelona. I used to live there, there is lots to see and do. The public transit system works great and there are lots of hostels to stay in that are quite safe. Night life is spectacular and rather cheap, as is some food. I would also go with either Budapest or Istanbul since they are more unusual. Istanbul is the definition of contemporary culture since it is still stuck between the middle east and europe and trying to find itself.

    Venice is cool, but over rated and high priced, without much to actually do but walk around. Athens has no contemporary culture--no offense to anyone.

  7. Barcelona and Rome!  You can fly in and out of either city and use Vueling airlines between the two, as we did.  Have a great time!

  8. Venice and Athens

  9. Venice and Istanbul sound good.

  10. Barcelona and Istambul

  11. Venice( unique !!) and Barcelona( strange..)

  12. I have to say: give the 10 points to Pabs! :)

    Seriously: Venice is a must see, for amny of the reasons stated above (especially Pabs'), and that should be your starting point.  The second city: depends on your interests, and here are a few considerations:

    Budapest: relatively easy to get to from Venice, on overnight train (take a sleeper berth, you still save money on that night's accomodation).  Budapest is steep in South-Eastern-European history, and... very affordable for those on a budget.

    Istanbul: the city that straddless both Europe and Asia has a penchant for showing off flavors of both. Very rich history - you get glimpses of why the northern nations quivered in their boots and built all sorts of fortifications to defend invasion from the Turks.  Make sure to visit the Topakapi palace, a Turkish Bath (a delight on its own), the market, boat trips to surrounding islands. Istanbul is also easy on the budget.

    Athens: worth a visit too

    Barcelona, Dublin, Stockholm: too far away from Venice.

  13. Venice & Barcelona !!!

  14. Barcelona is fantastic. In terms of architecture and culture, i find it has a great mix. The artistic influence on the city is quite impressive. And at night, its fun. And you'll eat good there too.

    I'd say Dublin, because it isn't continental europe, and you'll get quite the different experience than if you were to go to Venice, Athens or Budapest. Istanbul and Stockholm - never been. Besides, i think you can get cheaper flights to Dublin than to any other destination on your list.

  15. I saw these all cities and I'll suggest you Venice (a charming city in an endless carnival) and Barcelona (a litlle strange for me, but that's why is so interesting). Enjoy your trip !

  16. i just got back from DUBLIN,  really cool, temple bar area is the best, u'd like it because more than 50% of people in dublin are under 25,  nightlife, pubs, restaurants, shops,  LOADS OF SHOPS,  u' d like DUBLIN

    denfitely VENICE   unlike any other city  

    how can u not like ruins and castles  ur crazy, well, then stay away from athens,  u dont wanna go to istanbul right now (believe me)  unless u speak hungarian u'll have a hard time in budapest    that leaves barcelona and stockholm    i heard barcelona is nice  dont know anything about stockholm so its prob. not worth it for this trip

  17. If you don't care about ruins and castles, forget Venice and Athens; Dublin and Stockholm are too cold and boring. I can't find any interest in Budapest as well. So, I'd definitively go for Barcelona and Istanbul. Barcelona is great, lot's of cultural things to do, beautiful people and amazing night life. In Istanbul you'll find tons of different and exotic places to visit during the day and will also garantee a great deal of party time once the night falls.

  18. venice- gondola athens- olympic stadium

  19. Hello. Taking in cosideration your request I will DEFINITELY -and without any hesitation- would recommend Venice and Budapest.

    Venice is a must visit city.  If you are on a budget you can take the 'vaporetto' (water bus) to move around the islands in this city .  Must go to St. Marks, the island of Murano, Lido and walk, walk, two days you can discover how awesome this city on the Adriatic Ocean is.  There are THREE things you must do, two of them ain't cheap, so save some money for them: 1) Visit Murano and learn how real cristal is made (not glass), don't you ever ask an Italian "is this Murano glass" shows ignorance and rudeness...just a friendly advice :o)...take the Vaporetto from any station in Venice to Murano. 2) Take a ride on a have to bargain and with luck you will get it for as little as $20 for a 10 minute ride, and 3) Visit Harry's Bar and Drink a Bellini.  A Bellini is about $20...a small drink made of peach nectar and sparkling wine...absolute delicious!  Many connoiseurs say that if you go to Venice and you did not go to Harry's Bar you were not in Venice...that is pretty much true!

    Take the train from Venice overnight and wake up in Budapest. Wonderful City, full of vibrant nightlife and the prices are quite affordable.  The culture is exactly waht you are looking for: CONTEMPORARY.  The city is divided by the Danube River in two Buda and Pest, You can have a great time in about three days...people are extremely nice and the population in general are very young.  While you are there take a trip to the Balaton lake..preferably take the train to Gnesdias (a town on the west end of the lake), where you can relax and have plenty of fun!!!  The Balaton is the largest lake in europe and the aquatic sports are all over in the summer time....I guarantee you a great time in Venice and Budapest!!!  Good luck!

  20. Dublin

    , my mom went there she said its soo cool compared to anything else, and

    Barcelona because my teacher went there for colledge and said it was amazing

  21. Dublin and Venice, says I.

  22. You've got to remember how far apart these places are!!  Barcelona is a must for your age/ what you are looking for.  AWESOME city.  Plus, there is an airport a few towns over that has cheap flights around Europe.  Check out or

    Venice is cool, but doesn't sound like what you are looking for right now.  Stockholm was great, but I was with a local.  Don't think it'd be as good alone (plus it is d**n expensive!!).  I've heard Budapest is cool, but have'nt been there.

    Dublin was awesome, easy to meet locals, but far from Barcelona.  See if you can fly into Dublin and home from Barcelona.  It'll cost ya more, but you don't lose a day travelling back to Dublin to fly home.



  23. I'd go to Dublin and Venice.

  24. venice and budapest

  25. Venice and Barcelona

  26. Venice and Athens.... they're both SOOO beautiful!!

  27. Barcelona and Dublin, the others are expensive in my view.

  28. dublin and stockholm

  29. Not into old ruins? Then skip on Athens.  Barcelona is gorgeous, but mainly for its architecture and beaches.There's not much to do in Venice other than look at the city, but it is beautiful. Not sure what type of contemporary culture you are meaning.  It also depends on how long you're going to be in Europe?  I would say don't pick Dublin because your travel time and money to any of those other cities will be really pricy. Also, when you're going is a big deal. Summer? Fall? Winter?  Think about the weather in these locations and whether you will enjoy the cities at that time of year. Venice is KILLER in summer, extremely hot and smelly.  Athens is the same.  Barcelona, same, but it's on a beach so that's great. So on.

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