
Pick up from School,in spite of Fuel Costs Syndrome?

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In my Area and indeed all over Dublin Children are still being picked up from School causing Huge Traffic Jams in Morning and Afternoon. These Particular Schools are in a working class Area, so the Children are within a Mile Radius or 1 1/2 Kilometre or even less a few Hundred Yards.It is not a Posh School though the Children are nice and not Rough so they are all Locals.Every Morning there is a long line of Cars with a good Proportion of SUV'S on both sides of Road and the Traffic is Jammed up at the Lights when everyone begins to move off. There is only a few Parents that Walk to the School,and a few Children that use Bikes.They would be better off Walking for themselves their Health and their Cars Health. There is a new Phenomenon now they drive to the Playground in the Local Park to bring their children . Seems nobody wants to walk anymore in spite of the Price of Fuel,and they are all getting Fat. This Is in Dublin is it like that in Britain or are they getting any sense.




  1. They obviously have more money than sense! There is a school literally on the doorstep to me and my neighbour takes her child there in her 4x4 tank! It's shocking and utterly selfish. The school run causes havoc on the roads and it is bliss when the school holidays arrive.

    Kids need exercise and it's no wonder obesity in youth is rising. Maybe these selfish road runners should be asked to provide a chart of daily exercise they are involved with, with their children and shame them into taking their foot off the gas!

  2. Nope, Britain is just as bad.

    It takes me and my 7 year old son 1/2 hour to walk to school every day. But we do it, rain or shine. I end up walking for 2 hours every day. Yet there are a couple of mothers who despite living a 2 min walk from school, insist on driving. It takes them at least 5-10mins negotiating with the traffic to get there as well! Plus it's not even as if they then drive to work, these women drive the 2 min walk home again!

    It really makes me angry, it's completely unnecessary.

    My sons school try to encourage children to walk, cycle or go on scooters and after a lot of demanding by parents, have now installed bike and scooter racks, so more families do walk.

    They also keep a chart of how many children come by other than car/bus etc and the class with the most walkers per week gets a prize - unfortunately this is only offered 1 week per year on walk to school week!

    It's not just the environmental impact but a saftey issue as well. These parents that insist on driving, as you say often have massive cars. My son's school is small and tucked away so these cars are parked on road corners, the pavements, the green outside the school, in front of other peoples driveways, every where. You can not see to cross the road and on top of ths many people use the road as a cut through in the morning. Speeding through the tiny little roads, late for work unaware or uncaring of the fact there is an infant school near by. It's madness.

    Edit Yes they do have zig zag lines out side our school but it doesn't stop any body parking over them, plus there are NO signs stating there is a school down that road so there are tons of people using the road to get to work, thinking it is a cut through to avoid the main road traffic. We have bought both matters up ith the school and apparently a road sign will only be put up under certain circumstances which our school doesn't fit into. The head often asks parents not to turn or park over the zig zags but it makes no difference.

    On several occassions there have even been HGV's using the road as a short cut, getting stuck  and adding to the problems.

  3. I think parents and children ought to walk to school has you can re-call janus we had to walk to school it didnt do us any harm.

  4. Its the same all over Britain my friend..

    We had the school hols  a week ago  and i got to work half hour early for a change...

  5. Maybe parents are on their way to work and 'dropping off the kids' is just a safe routine.

    Maybe also there is concern from the parents for child safety.

    Parents worry about things like abduction etc a lot.

    Even if it is rare they know there are many individuals who are being 'rehabilitated' in all communities, not to mention traffic itself.

    Yes it would be good if parents once again got to know their neighbours well enough to trust each other with their children and organise a school run of some sort, but unless you have one mum/dad who is willing to do the organising and maintain it then it wont happen.

    People making these arrangements have to register if they are in any way 'official' and then CRB checks must take place costing £10 per person (even if they are parents of one of the children in the group)

    It may seem odd, but parents will make a lot of other sacrifices before they think of making changes that they feel may put their children at risk, however remote that risk is.

  6. no, kids legs don't work in Scotland either!

  7. its crazy almost £6.00 a gal but said to rise to £9.00 a gal by the end of Summer and thats (WILD).THAT WILL B ABOUT £7.50 per gallon for mr brown  in tax.OUCH....

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