
Pick up lines for the gym?

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Do pick up lines work in a gym lol?

Has anyone pulled it off?

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  1. You don't need a pick up line in a gym, just do what comes naturally.  Like when you are doing bench presses ask her to sit on your stomach so you don't arch your back.  This way she can check you out close up and you likewise. You can do this all over the place and the ladies love it.  Just don't do this with some heavy cow  because your looking to impress not be pressed.

  2. h**l yeh they can work

    just make sure dnt say anythin that culd b offensive or too forward.

    compliments work well too.

    my friend met her boyfriend in the gym

    he went up to her with the corniest pickup line EVAR

    it was something along the lines of: "Did it hurt?"

    she looking at him rele strangely nd goes "did what hurt?"

    so he goes: "When you fell outta heaven"

    LMAO i hav been told this story soo many times.

    wen he sed that line she just laughed it was SO corny but it broke the ice nd started up a conversation between them. theyv been going out for two months now.

    so yes they can work. but it has to be the right type of girl.

    culd yu help me wit mine??;...

    lmao why did u ask this question? do yu lyk someone from yur gym??

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