
Pick your favourite boy combo and girl combo?

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Noah Scott

Cameron Robert

Brett Oliver


Miranda Kate

Felicity Paige

Nicola Jade





  1. Noah Scott

    i hate the girls names in my top ten is aubrey

  2. Noah Scott


    Felicity Paige.

    Sorry, I don't like any of the other names.

  3. Boy: Noah Scott

    Girl: NIcola Jade

  4. Brett Oliver and Felicity Paige

  5. Boys: I like Brett Oliver the best

    Girls: I like Felicity Paige the best


  6. Noah Scott & Nicola Jade

  7. Noah Scott and Nicola Jade.

  8. Noah Scott and Felicity Paige.

    Completely adorable, and versatile enough to be nice adult names too.

  9. Brett Oliver

    Nicola Jade! <<I love that name.

  10. Brett Oliver and Miranda Kate!!

  11. boy

    Brett oliver


    miranda kate

  12. Love them all, but Miranda Kate and Noah Scott would have to be my favourites.

  13. Cameron Robert

    Felicity Paige - I love this name it so gorgeous!!

  14. Cameron Robert

    Felicity Paige

  15. Noah Scott and

    Felicity Paige.

    Miranda Kate is fine too.

  16. Noah Scott


    Nicola JAde

  17. Noah Scott & Miranda Kate

  18. Noah Scott and Nicola Jade

  19. Noah Scott and Felicity Paige are GORGEOUS! I love them! They sound really nice together too!

    Hope this helps


  20. Nicola Jade & Noah Scott - my fave!

    then my next choice would be Miranda Kate & Cameron Robert.

    then felicity paige and brett oliver but i really dont like felicity paige or brett oliver at all

  21. Cameron


  22. Miranda Kate and Brett Oliver

  23. BOYS------> cameron robert

    GIRLS------> felicity paige

  24. Noah Scott and Felicity Paige

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