
Picked up a hamster cage real cheep at a garage sale today, should I let my son have a hamster?

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About a year ago my son who is now just about 9 wanted a hamster from a friend at school who was giving them away. They were all given away before we decided so it never happened. I was at a garage sale today and it was by donation for a fundraiser so I decided to buy the hamster cage for real cheep. Thing is, hamsters creep me out and we have a cat and would like to get a dog. I beleive having a pet is good for kids to learn to care for living things and learn about loss when they die, but not sure if I want to get a hamster in the house. What do you think and if you have one or had hard are they to take care of and are they expensive to take care of?




  1. You must be okay with hamsters to allow your son to get one as you are untimately responsible for it.  They are a little skittish when young but with plenty of handling are easily tamed so shouldn't creep you out.  The cats could be a problem.  My cats almost killed my roborovski hamsters by knocking their cage of of the side.  Try to keep the cage in a room with the door shut if the cats show any interest.  Dogs shouldn't be as bad but same applies.  

    This is how to care for a hamster:  

    Hamsters live for abourt two years.  Syrians (the most common type) must be kept alone as they are solitary creatures.  Dwarf hamsters (russian, winter white. chinese and roborovskis) should be kept in same s*x pairs or groups as they like company (dwrf hamsters are more difficult to handle and need special cages due to their size).  Hamsters are nocturnal so will wake up in the evening and will be active (and often noisy) all night.  

    They need a good sized cage with at least two levels.  The normal wire ones have the best ventilation and hamster enjoy climbing on the bars.  They need toys including a wheel to run in (solid so their feet can't get trapped).  They need a place to hid out of view and to sleep in.  They need a water bottle (not a bowl of water as this can get dirty too easily and the hamster could get too wet) and food dishes.  

    They need to have their water bottle and food dishes at least rinsed daily and have all old fresh food and soiled bedding removed daily.  They should be fed hamster mix in the evening.  They like treats such as the ready made one from the petstore or wholemeal cereal.  They can have fresh food in small amounts daily or every couple of days (all fruit and vegetables except lettuce, tomato, citrus fruits or potatoe).  Very occationally they can eat small amounts of cooked meat, egg, cheese or mealworms (hamsters are omnivores as they eat insects in the wild).  To much fresh food can cause diarrheoa.  

    Weekly the whole cage must be cleaned thouroughly (washing up liquid is suitable as long as it is rinsed, petstores also sell sprays).  

    The hamster should be taken out of its cage daily and allowed to run about a safe area and be handled and played with.  

    So on the whole they are pretty easy to look after.  They are easy to handle and don't make much mess.  Be firm with your son that if he really wants a hamster he must look after it all it's life (two years is a long time to a nine year old).

  2. Yes,hamster's are great pet's. Their easy to take care of and very inexpensive. Compared to guinea pig's and gerbils they are a lot cleaner,and live for quite awhile. One thing make sure not to get cedar bedding,it is known to cause breathing problems in rodent's try pine.

  3. I have four "robo" hamsters and two rats. My hams don't bite but are definitely not pets for small children. Some of the other breeds may be suitable(mine are the smallest and fastest, but least likely to bite:) They are awesome to watch in the cage, but I would never let them out to play unless in an excercise ball.

    I prefer rats...they are EASY to tame and care for, as well as don't bite. They are smart and would probably need two(no different to care for than one), to keep each other company.

    I can hold my rats, play with them, pick them up, kiss them, pet, and snuggle with them and have not been bitten.

  4. I have two hamsters and they make me so happy and i am sure they will make your son happy to.They aren't that hard to take care of.But i advise you buying Chinese dwarf hamsters they are small cute and fun to play with and i got mine for like 10$ each at a pets store!So yes buy your son a hamster!!!!Have fun tell the little dude i said hi!:-)

  5. yes you should get a hamster but just make sure your cat stays away from the hamster. I have a hamster and it is very easy to take care of. They are also very inexpensive to take care of. You only have to spend about 5 to 10 dollars about every 4 months. I recommend getting a teddy bear hamster or a short haired hamster because they are probably the friendliest hamsters and rarely bite. I wouldn't get the dwarf hamster because it is very small and can get lost very easily. Just make sure you clean out the cage a lot before you put your new hamster in it or else your hamster might get sick from the germs of the last hamster that was in that cage.

    I hope this helps!

  6. I have two children 8 and 10 they really wanted pets so I bought them each one.  Three days after that the only one who ever takes care of them is me.  If you don't like them I would suggest something else just in case you have to take care of them.  I got lucky and I really like them so no problem.

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