
Picking a Pediatrician...?

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I am 36 weeks pregnant, everyone keeps telling me I waited to long to try to find a good pediatrician :( but I dont know what things to ask! What makes a good prediatrician? What things should i look for?




  1. One with experience, who knows what they're talking about. No matter what anyone says bedside manner is very important. When I was a kid we had to go through several before we could find one who would actually listen to my problems and help me. Now when she's not there and they send me to someone else I hate it 'cause they think I'm making things up or they want to go to lunch and just leave me in the room.

    When you're a new mother you want a doctor who won't just brush you off but who will explain things to you and answer questions.

  2. The first thing I looked at was the waiting room.

    Is it clean ?

    Are the toys clean? Is anything broken ?

    Are really sick kids sitting in the room with everyone else ?

    After that just chat and figure out if you find this person easy to communicate with.

    What age do they recommend baby takes solids ? Colic - what to do ?Who is on call if the doctor is not ?

    Good luck

  3. You need to pick someone ASAP so they can come to the hospital and check your baby after its born.  If you don't, it's not a huge deal, a pediatrician on staff will just evaluate your baby.

    A good pediatrician is one that you have a good rapport with, AND--most importantly--takes his/her time during your appointments. Ask how much time they spend at each  appointment. Some doctors overbook and rush through things, other doctors take their time and sit down and ask lots of questions.

    My pediatrician is awesome. She made a house visit when my baby was 5 days old because she didn't want her to be exposed to the germs in her office.  When my baby was two weeks old, our pediatrician has us come to the office after-hours so she could sanitize the place.  She gave us her personal cell phone number and told us to call her if we have any questions.  

    To me, that's a pretty good pediatrician!  Pick someone who is warm and caring, and chances are they'll be good.

  4. Ok I'm gonna step in with the off the line answer.  Pediatricians well there is a ton of them out there and that is good.  Make sure you get one that is in line with your values and I mean medical values.  Do you believe in immunizations?  Your Ped should either agree or work with that stance.  Do you have a conservative or liberal view on antibiotics?  Pain medications?  Will they work with alternative treatment?  How do they feel about dietary cures? vitamins?  I personally like a DO Doc of Osteopathic  care they are a little more about holistic treatment.  How do they feel about complementary care (chiropractic etc.)  I interview them and really treat them like consultants.  This is my perspective, What are you like?  Do you go to the Dr immediately when you are sick?  Do you seek alternative treatment?  Are you going to breast feed?  What is his/ her experience with breastfeeding?  Ideally you would want a Dr that is in the same line of thinking as your own.  Don't just enlist one because you like their personality or the way they are with children, although those could be a factor too.  Hope that helps!

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