
Picking your nose while driving??

by  |  earlier

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Does picking your nose and eating it while driving come under the 'eating while driving' law and so you can get fined for it if caught??




  1. I hope so because thats disgusting.

  2. You can get fined if caught eating and driving?  Where is this now?

  3. i suppose if you were riding a motorbike then yeah

  4. This is peculiarly a male pass time, so I suspect prosecution might fail under the s*x discrimination act.

  5. I would hope so.

  6. yes you can you disgusting individual it could also cause severe loss of control of the car as you may choke whilst doing it with a bit of luck

  7. Picking your nose and eating the contents is a disgusting

    habit, buy some sweets instead, they surely must taste


  8. Hi Hussain,

    Only if you put salad cream on the bogey.

  9. only if you take your hands off the wheel.

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