
Picky vegetarian kid - what do they eat?

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My 13 year old daughter decided she wants to be a vegetarian. I'm fine with that. However, she doesn't like vegetables (other than carrots and corn), wont even try tofu, or any "typical" vegetarian dishes. So, I got her some multi vitamins, and I'm trying to be supportative, however, I am at wits end. She will eat eggs, milk, and other "animal by products", as she puts it, but, "nothing with a face" huh??? She hates seafood, as well. Just what can I feed this girl. She thinks she can get by eating noodles and cereal. Any ideas? I've tried veggie dip, steamed, etc, she just wont touch them. I've explained to her that vegetarians eat vegetables, but, she still insists she is one. What do I do now?




  1. i'm all for being vegan and whatnot but not at the expense of her life.

    give her vegetables, if she doesn't eat them well then she'll have to starve.

    don't buy all the bad stuff and she'll eventually learn.

  2. let her go she will relize that she cant be one but if she gets really skinny take her to a cosuler

  3. More then likely she will grow out of it and this is just a phase so don't worry about it.

  4. Will she eat any kind of fruits? This is something she will have to open up to on her own unfortuantly. The best thing you can do is keep encouraging her. Maybe take her to a nutritionist and see if they can open her up to certain ideas.

  5. well it sounds like this girl is sooooo picky you should give her sald and any kind of sald dressign and i had a aunt that was a vegetarian and she only ate sald and sald dressing on it and just pray that she eats it if she doesn't i think there's no hope for her but i was happy to help.

  6. maybe you could try some vitamin pills. or maybe some V8 drinks could help her get some vegetables. or maybe even protein shakes.

  7. Everyone should have at least 3 servings of veggies a day but not even omnivores usually have that.  Switch to whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread and brown rice.  My daughter is very picky too but she will eat the pasta dishes with sauce, fortified healthy cereals, eggs, natural PB& J sandwiches, fruits etc.

  8. if she refuses to eat anything but noodles, eggs, milk, carrots and corn, she simply won't be healthy. you don't get everything you need from those few foods

  9. There's lots of ways that you can hide tofu and vegetables in foods she probably already likes. A favourite of mine is spaghetti with tofu. As your making the sauce instead of putting ground beef in put in small cubes of tofu, they absorb the flavour. There are also lots of products ( Yves in particular) that make vegetarian products that look like meat ( I love the veggie bologna).

  10. With every meal your daughter eats she should be eating

    Fruits & Vegetables w/ Whole Grains, Soy, Beans, Peanuts & Other Legumes.

    Have her eat lots of fruit! If she only likes carrots and corn then she better be eating those two vegetables every single day.

    She really needs to find a GREEN leafy vegetable because they are the veggies that are packed with iron! Convince her to eat cooked broccoli maybe?

    She MUST eat beans or some other type of legumes because they are very very important in a vegetarians diet.

    you really can't be a vegetarian without eating vegetables. Its just not healthy. Then again eating meat without eating vegetables is just as bad, even worse.

  11. She just has to try new things.  I'm a 14 year old vegetarian.  I have come to love and live on vegetables.  Tofu is great.  Eddamame?  Just get her to try things.

  12. V8 Splash contains a full serving of fruits and veggies in one tastes just like fruit juice. I prefer the mango flavored one :)

    You say she likes pasta? How about spaghetti and sauce..

    I like Linguni noodles with "Ragu Robusto Tomato and Herb" sauce. Its VERY good for you( no preservaties, and full serving of veggies) and VERY delicious.

    If she loves snack foods, try to keep the unhealthy ones out of the house, if possible. Tostidos Brand Tortilla chips and salsa are great, and vegetarian

    does she like chineese foods?

    springrolls, vegetable egg foo young, and  vegetable chow mein are my favorites


    FAT FREE refried beans mixed with a little sour cream and taco seasonings ( in a little packet, usually used for meat, but it is vegetarian, if mixed with the beans)

    sorbets are usually made from frozen mashed fruits, mix them with fruit juice, or eat them alone.

    Some of the soy meats are quite delicious, and taste like the real thing. I find them at almost any grocery that ive been in. ive had luck with

    Boca Brand black bean "burger"

    Ive heard wonderful things of MorningStar Brand "Chikn"

    MorningStar also makes "beef crumbles" use where you would normally use ground beef.

    here is an extensive list of vegetarian/vegan foods, popular food brands you probably didnt even expect to be vegetarian. each catagory is a to expand for longgg lists:)

    A few more sites that may help

  13. Check This Out! Recipes

  14. My mum had a similar problem with me when I was just a little younger than your daughter. I was determined to be a vegetarian as I didn't want to kill animals but I hated veggies with a passion.  I refused to eat anything coloured! My diet was terrible and consisted of noodles, pasta, potatoes and bread - I cringe when I think back to it.

    My mum just told me that if I refused to eat my veggies than I had to take my "sticky medicine" (a tonic with iron, b12 and other vitamins/minerals). By not having veggies forced upon me (but always at the dinner table) I gradually tried them by myself and grew to love them :)

    Just a hint... try talking about how delicious your veggie meals are in front of her, she may get curious like I did and eventually try some. Also, grating up veggies and concealing them is a good idea (i.e. in a pasta sauce).

    But my advice is to just let her come to love veggies on her own terms. As long as she is taking a supplement she will be fine . The situation is not ideal but trust me she will come around eventually! Just watch her nutrition in the mean time with a supplement (as you are doing). Protein is also an issue (if she is not eating beans, whole grains, legumes etc) but as long as she is eating eggs and dairy than she will get enough protein from those sources.

    Children's taste buds are actually different to adults (as they need to be aware of bitter, potentially poisoness foods). As she grows older veggies will actually taste better biologically.

  15. i went veggie at 13 so this sounds famililar... i never had eaten much veggies (as it sounds for your daughter- even meat eaters need veggies!!!!) and didn't like them... i also had no desire to try  beans and tofu... unfortunately she's going to have to learn to open up to these thigns... get her involved in researching the nutrition.. maybe she can look up recipes she likes, help cook, help shop.... she needs to try new things but give her time to work slowly.... how about the soy products? like veggie burgers (they make a veggie everything now too- chicken nuggets, hot dogs, burgers, ground meat, etc.)... they are easy to sub in for meals that you are already used to making and eating and i think they taste great... use whole wheat paste instead of regular pasta.. how bout snacking on apples in peanut butter or carrots and celery in hummus?  make new and different salads if she's not a fan of cooked veggies... or add more veggies to things like pasta sauce, salsa, pasta salad, etc.... she is a vegetarian if she's not eating meat, but she's not a healthy one right now unless she does it right... i rarely eat tofu but when i do it's good! try it in chinese food first it's always best that way :)

  16. LOL wow I'm exactly like this my mom hates me for it. XD

    Are you from america? Boca products are AMAZING. the chik'n taste exactly like chicken, and the vegan burgers and yum.

    You can make her whole grain rice cooked in vegetable stock, cook her up some corn, mixed with beans (black, kidney, chick peas) and then cover it with cheese.  

    I make this all the time but with no cheese, but everyone loves cheese?

    Go to the grocery store WITH her, and let her choose what she wants, this will be helpful so you'll know what she likes.

  17. Get her to try veggies various ways.  Stewed , steamed, fried grilled Raw -- They taste different .. also try mixing with spices.

    I am a fussy eater - I don't eat meat,  not much veggies, I hate them stewed.. I am certainly not underweight

    what about Chinese or Indian dishes,  some very nice ones with no meat.

  18. dont push her, let her eat what she likes, only way Keep introuducin her 2 new foods slowly she will soon learn 2 try new foods, fruits are from plants, maybe take her to a pick ya own field so she can see what shes eatin n its all fresh

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