
[Pics] Can fat girls model? This one thinks so...?

by  |  earlier

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Take a look at the top post, how exactly do they think they can be "hot."

She runs a p**n site too... that is sisckening.





  1. of course they can model. why do you care? it dosen't concern you. if you find it sickening, then don't look at it...duh.  

  2. BELIEVE IT OR NOT ------- there are many  men who find  her type s**y and hot.........I dont know why  ...but  ok........................... whatever floats your boat.

    There a magazines  full of these types of girls  that Men buy as well -  

  3. Yes. i'm answering this for a second time.

    You're a s***k who needs to get her head out of her ****.

    Not everyone is a 00. Get over it.


    I'm gonna laugh when you grow up to be a fat cow.

  4. Utterly repulsive! :{

  5. hmm I'm not even going to take the time to look at that site.

    Yes, are you stupid? they are called Plus Size models.

  6. um..... nasty..shudder....eeeewwwwwwww!

  7. why do you even care, she does what she does because she wants to, who are you to judge?

    would you still say things like this if she was you friend or family member?

  8. She's free to do whatever she'd like and if people find her attractive and she wants to make her money like that it's completely up to her.

    If you find her look unattractive or she doesn't appeal to you then you should stop wasting your time going to her websites.  

  9. gotta love a big girl....shade you in the summer, keep you warm in the winter!!!!



    I am SCARRED for life!

  11. Oh my,

    I feel like barfing.

  12. Well theirs plus size models but ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

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