
Pics of my yearling?

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Pictures of my yearling Twister taken less than 20 minutes ago. It also shows the start of his flaxen mane and tail growing in.

I know I am lucky to have him, I wasn't even planning for him. I bought he mother a brown and white pinto, and a few months after I got her, the baby was born. We asked the people that previously owned her if she was pregnant since they had an appy stud at their barn, and they said no. I am glad she was though, cuz now I have him. His mom had a white mane and tail, hence the flaxen growing in, and she had chrome just like on his legs. he has grown 2 inches in the last month since th last pics were taken. (he has his mask on to protect from flies =])




  1. well since everyody else thinks hes cute i think he is ugly


  2. you have a cute little baby there.

  3. Awe! He's adorable, and  looks very healthy :)

  4. You are really lucky! God works in mysterious ways. He is very good looking and I hope you two have a great future!

  5. well i'm almost sure you are not asking about conformation. . . because almost none of those were conformation photos. . . congrats you have a horse, with a good looking coat. okay shoulder angle and kinds flatter back.

    i cant really tell anything else about the horse, and it drives me nuts to see a horse in a fly mask for photos. . . you cant tell anything about their face. . . but then again cute horse, none conformation photos. (cant really say anything else cause ya cant see anything else)

  6. he is absolutly gorgeuse! his tail isnt  that long though so id get him checked out just in case x

  7. He's so cute! ♥ You ARE lucky to have him... It's a good thing the people where you got his mom were clueless enough not to notice that their mare was pregnant (good for you- stupid of them). His coloring is cool, but it doesn't really look like he is part Appy at all. He looks like he's going to be pretty big! :)

  8. He is really cute!!! Good build his hip and shoulders are pretty much lined up, his head isnt to high either. He looks really cute. And for a yearling nice muscle build, not to big but just the right amount. he looks really nice.

    good luck with him, have fun training

    Monty Roberts

    Mark Rashid

    Dr. Robert Miller

    are good trainers, they have great books on training.

    ps. i dont know if i spelled all there names right i think i did.

  9. hes very beautiful hey for the flies when he gets older fly spray for his body and creme for his face and ears it works on my dog really well

    goog luck

  10. He is so cute. I love his color. It's like a honey.

  11. He is adorable and I'm glad you know your lucky to have him, I have fifteen horses  Peter, Hidatsa, Tewa (pony), Shawnee, Abenaki, Thunder, Echo,  Thalia, Persephone, Lugh, Epona, Cochiti, Paiute, Bukefalos, Clio, Triton, I know I'm lucky to have them, My friend has four horses, and one pony the pony is namd Twister just like your yearling, her other horses are, Nicky, Isabelle, Cowboy, and Dynamight. Horses are wonderful animals, I love them

  12. HE IS SOOO CUTE!!! Im very glad you got to keep him!

  13. This yearling will grow up to be a very pretty horse. I think you should keep him, and train him as he gets older. If you like to show you could train him to be a great show horse.

  14. he's soo cute!! wow your lucky I'd give anything to have what you have =)

  15. Awe, he's adorable. :)

    He looks really healthy too, and has a really pretty coat.

  16. Soo cute! Very Lucky. He looks like he is gonna be a great horse. =]

    That same thing happened to me. My friend went down to Nevada to adopt a wild mustang. She came back with a beautiful mare who didnt look pregnant at all. About 8 months later, she gave berth to a little baby mustang, who is now mine. I feel so blessed that something like this would happen.

    Good luck with him. =]
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