
Picture menus for those with visual needs?

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My student is visually impaired and is getting at that age of wanting to order for herself. We are a life skills classroom and I need to find visual picture restaurant menus. I have only found one for McDonalds. Anyone know where I can find more? Burger King, Subway, etc, etc?




  1. Why not make your own, using Writing With Symbols 2000 from widget software, or one of the other picture communication programs. They can (using WWS2000) be re-sized, and you can import your own photographs into the program. We created a PECS portable book (like those  seen used in Mercury Rising) for a child we fostered to be able to order his own food. Most of the big companies will let you have jpg images for this sort of use.  Good luck and keep up the good work.

  2. I use Google images - I find I can source a pic of nearly everything in the world there!  And it's free!

  3. Go to the restaurants to get a copy of their regular menu, then gather pictures from online or from Boardmaker or a similar program, and create a picture menu for your student.   The same concept can be applied to all parts of your student's day.  You can make similar boards for grocery store items if you'd like to take her to the store to buy a special item.  You could make one that includes her favorite computer games if she can choose during computer time.  You can make the pictures as big as she needs them.  Her menu could be multiple pages if she is too distracted when many pictures are on one page.  You know your student and her needs best.

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