
Picture of me, do I really look that young?

by  |  earlier

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I joined a mother and baby group on the net and a girl kept going on about how young I look, Its really bothered me for years but I thought i'd caught up a bit. How old do you think I am?





  1. Which one is you? hehe

    I'll say 27

  2. I think around 32ish. You carry yourself very well. (:

  3. between 23-25! :)

    (hope thats near enuff to not offend ya!)

    awesome bubbah!



  4. Id say 21?

  5. 6 months

  6. I see you're looking for an ego boost. So here you are - 20

  7. 26 maybe ? x

  8. 27?

  9. u look 19 to be honest  

  10. 20?? Baby is soooooo cute!!


  11. 23! Cute kid

  12. 24

  13. 21

  14. 50

  15. 39

  16. 32

  17. Awwwh - 23?

    You look just like your avatar!

  18. 27 with perfect complexion

  19. I'm a guy, but I also looked much younger than my age... in my younger days that is! lol I had to still show ID when I was well up into my 20s, people still thought I was a teenager. So since you are even asking this question, I am going to guess that you are actually older than you look. I would say you LOOK in your very early 20's, but I will make an "official" age guess at 29.


  20. What a cute photo! You look about 21 to me, the age I was when I had my first daughter. The hospital consultant actually said to me "you're awfully young" (in a very posh accent) and I was a bit miffed, considering the girl in the next bed was 18 and he didn't say a word to her! But then she was on her third child already and looked about 30 lol. I'm now nearly forty and people still think I'm younger - woohoo!

  21. 23 at most

  22. In your 20s.


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