
Pictures of alex russo's room (from wizards of waverly place)

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I am thinking of redecoration my room and i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get a picture of alex russo's room (from wizards of waverly place)




  1. sorry no pic but you could goole it or go to youtube and watch some videos where it shows her room...


  2. Where can i get the wallpaper??

  3. Here is a picture of her room:::

  4. I am redoing my room as well... I found this site and was soooooo happy.. they have the almost exact things and they show where to but them... even the chandelier...... but, unfortunaly there is no such thing as pink fur wallpaper... :-(

  5. also i just now that she have a lot of cards on her wall( on the side with the door) and she have a caramell -pink wall.and that what she painted' standing in her room too.also i now more but i thinkthe best way you can see that all is lookin the episodes self.

    hey this link has a few photos from the episode 'hughs not normous'
    hope it helps

  7. this a link hope it works
    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

  8. her are some idears hope it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. well you can get pics from goggle ya can also watch it on you tube maybe that will help you and these maybe help you can see alex room on Hugh's not Normous and where alex learns to fly the magic carpet. i have some idears what you can do i have watched every episode up at the top of her door she has a laugh singh and at the front of her door she has ar i found it out in the helping hand episode and shes has these singes up like posters in Hugh's not Normous and in the ds game it has loads of things you can copy she also has a pink curtin fabric sort of thing up around her door i wanted to do this so you can see what alex russo rooms like instead of having a pic and she does have hot pink walls with gold and fur wall paper she also has pink and purple  curtins in wizarsds orf waverly place the movie but in the ds  game shes has pink and blue i think and has a glitzy crystal chandelier were her bed is.she has a mini frige its pink and white i found it out in the helping hand. she does have dream sigh above her dresser her dresser is green  on her mini frige she has a lot of magnets wich you can find them anywhere if ya in england try poundland they have a lot of magnets. she also has a coat hanget shes hangs up scafs and her cute pures and hangbags.and she has a black dresser and has loads of stickere on her dresser (stikers ya can get from poundland) and she does paint white strips up and down. add spme furr under the laugh sigh like i did to make it a little bit glitzy and glam. and a little tip about her curtins they lap over each other.her door is painted green. she has a glass desk i found that out in the helping hand.and the last bit is she has loads of light.shes has a blue fluffy fug its big.and on her raidator is white and she puts a monky on it.she does have a artist bord with paint bruses in a pot on her desk. up mon her winder cill she does have a star hanging up and the last thing im gonna tell you is shes has a little lantins red and purple> she has a giant purple flower and 2 portrates ofg art she done.and has a flurry lamp wich is white and a tiny oniment wich is white and it says dreasm soz if there ant that meny full stops if this doant help soz i know this ant got anything to do with this subject but her it is and 1 more tip add some off you in ya room!.


  11. If your thinking about redoecorating your room to look like Alex Russo's, but you cant find pictures, then check out the episode of Wizards of Waverly Place when Alex learns to fly a carpet, or the episode about the helping hand, or the episode named "Hugh's not Normous". All three of those episodes show her room in some kind of way. Although some people think they have never shown her room on the show... (Guest1860) :)

  12. Pictures of alex russo's room (from wizards of waverly place

    this is a picture of like her bed but yeah you cant really see it too well, if you type in alex russo's room on wizars of waverly place some good pictures come up on images, good luck :)

  14. on the one with hugh not normous, you see her room alot. get letter stencils and paint words on your walls (alex has 3d letters in hers - dream is above her door)

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