
Pictures of chakras on tape ?

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Toward the end of the 90,s a French engineer was able to take pictures of chakras with a video camera.

A Spanish magazine named Karma printed an article about this.

That is all the information I have and I would like to know more. Anyone in the science community has heard of his name and where I can find those shots ?

All help will be greatly appreciated. I am on a strict deadline.

Thank you !




  1. Chakras have never been seen anywhere outside of a very active imagination.  If some French guy told anyone otherwise he was lying.  If some magazine published his lies then they were complicit in his ruse.

    Come on back to planet Earth.  It's a nice place to be.

  2. poppycock


  4. This isn't the site you were hoping for but it is very informative

    I was unable to find any reference to your french photographer.

  5. They are no more real than chakras are. Throughout the ages people have tried to manufacture "evidence" to prove things that were not real.

    They used to take photographs of auras for money. People fake hauntings to sell books. Its all part of the game. Hundreds of fake alien videos have been aired on television.

    If you want to know the truth, stop believing in anything your told and there will be no money in it for the Con-men.

    Whatever remains after a few years, will probably be legit.

    However, it will always be profitable for con-men, because there will alway be many many people who believe everything they are told.

  6. Rob gave you some informative links. Here is another link to add to his about aura photography. It also describes some objective experiments done to test the purported aura-reading abilities of psychics.

  7. Here some info I was able to find:

    From the skeptics dictonary

    Here's a device that says it can show them on a portable

    And another one

    Hope this helps,


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