
Pictures of my MRI, do I have a herniated disc?

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I have no clue what to look for. I got a lumbar study because my doctor thought I might possibly have a herniated disc.....can anybody tell by these results?




  1. Comparing it to other herniated disc x-rays, it doesn't really look like it.

  2. Your doctor would have to be the one to tell ya that. Usually after at MRI they do tell you the results not just give you the pictures and send ya home.

  3. I have a herniated disc in the L5 region, and also had an MRI. My doctor explained to me and showed me where the herniated disc was on my MRI pictures, and by comparing our pictures, it doesn't look like you have one. If you did have a hernaited disc, one the discs (the little white strands by your spine) would not have a lot of white in them, and appear to be faded. The white in the disc is the water in it, and herniated discs have little water. Also if it was a herniated disc, then it would slightly bulge on the spine, which'll mess with your nerves. Here's an example of a herniated disc picture:

    I hope you don't have one, they really suck!

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