
Pictures to take for photography?

by Guest60865  |  earlier

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i need 12 pictures by tuesday for my photography class. i have 3 already and they're pictures of the lake and landscapes from the lake. there's not really much by my house except the lake. so what should i take pictures of?




  1. Flowers, Your Friends, Your Parents, Butterflies, Bees, Anything out of the ordinary, Children, an Empty park, or Animals. Good Luck?

  2. How about some portraits of your family members


    photos of your pets


                                              photos of the football game tonight at the high school


                          some still lifes  of fruit

                                                             stuffed animals

                                                       a musical instrument

                                                                   your photographer! Use your imagination!

  3. try to capture the small things in life.

    -your younger brother stealing a cookie when he thinks no one is looking.

    -your mom washing dishes

    -your friend dancing or jumping around

    -go to a fabric store and take pictures of all the bolts of fabric on shelves

    -perhaps if you see someone wearing an outfit you LOVE you can ask them if you can photo it

    -also just carry your camera around EVERYWHERE you go. then you can capture strangers doing things, such as hugging, laughing, ect

    I suggest getting up really early and go into your town, and look at the light and the way it falls on everything...

    good luck!

  4. Instead of trying to find interesting places near you, go some place mundane and find something interesting in the details.

    One of the shots I was most praised for (actually for a film class but no difference) by my hard to please professor was an ECU of a... um, what do you call the top of a trash can with the sand to put cigarettes out in.. a public ashtray? Whatever, it was one of those with a few random cigarette butts in it.

    Turns out you don't actually need an interesting subject to get good pictures.

    But then again, my instructor also thought there was some kind subconscious subtext since he'd be berating my work all afternoon before I finally brought him actual decent footage...

  5. Was this assignment that wide open?  Or was there some kind of theme or subject given to you.

    Most instructors hand out an assignment at the end of lecture and that can usually help the student get started.

  6. Animals



    Someone in your family

    Your hands on something



    An eye

    Insects/ birds/ creatures in your backyard

    A busy place in town with cutesy little shops

    Signs and billboards

    Anything that catches your eye

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