
Piercing Sea salt soaks?

by Guest63420  |  earlier

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Is that literally soaking the piercing or just spraying it. Cause if its literally soaking it that could be problematic with a septum ring.




  1. Soaking it is better, but I did the q-tip thing with my eyebrow piercings and they were both fine.  

  2. use cotton wool swabs to apply the solution.

    you don't need to literally soak it no, do not twist, push or pull the ring though this allows bacteria into the piercing.

  3. put the sea salt and water on a cotton ball or cotton swab and just kind of clean it a bit and you should be fine.  

  4. You can soak a cottonball in saltwater and hold it on your piercing, or else use a Qtip and dip it in the salt water and gently rub it around the pierced area

  5. The last few times I got a piercing and was given sea salt, I was told to just add it to 8 ounces of water, and clean my new piercing once or twice a day with the mixture, and a q tip.

  6. well you shouldnt just soak it with sea salt because your not DISNFECTING it and all salt does is help to speed up the healing process, not cleanng it. I suggust you get the Renu contact cleaner because not only does it clean but has salt in it to help heal. Also saline solution will work as well.

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