
Piercings you have??

by  |  earlier

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i have only my ears pierced 3 times in each ear.

but i've been thinking about getting my monroe pierced, or lip.

what piercings do you have?

and want?

if you have your monroe or lip, what was the experience?





  1. 4 ears, 1 nose, 2 nips, belly and 1 lower lip... love them all! + 3 tats

  2. Belly button! its always cute on girls!

  3. ears twice in each, tongue, had my eyebrow and have 1 tattoo


  4. i have first whole and second whole on

    both ears and a cartilage piercing on my

    left ear. i really want to get my tragus

    pierced but parents wont approve just yet.

    oh and i also want to get tiny small gauges

    to go on my first whole.

  5. 3 in each ear

    i had my bellybutton

    but imma get it again

  6. I have three in one lobe, two in the other lobe, and one cartilage piercing..

    I want another cartilage piercing. That's it, maybe my belly button.Maybe.

  7. I have my ears double pierced and my nose pierced.

  8. its doesnt hurt at all!

    youll take it. and i have my nose bellybutton and C**t peirced.

    DONT GET THE C**t!

  9. I have 2 holes in each ear, and my first holes are 12 gauges.  

  10. I have my ears pierced 11 times ((6 in my left ear and 5 in my right ear))

    I also have my




    and nose

    my lip piercing experience wasn't bad, it didn't really hurt but I do recommend that you get a stud in it when you get it pierced and not a ring. if you want a lip ring just wait until it heals with a stud in it and then change it, I know at least for me my lip healed faster when I got a stud put in it than when I got it pierced and put a ring in it (( I have had my lip pierced 3 times, and 2 of the three I got a ring and it took forever to heal and got infected but when i got the stud it healed much faster and for me there was really no infection.))

    but if you do get a stud just make sure it is really long like it will stick out of your lip quite a ways......

    that statement leads me into my monroe experience...... I have had it pierced twice and the 1st time the stud was way too short and it like indented in to my upper lip and it was a disaster it was so infected and gross and it hurt really bad.

    but I got it re-pierced like 3 months later and I got a really long stud put in it and it healed perfectly fine, there was really no infection but that was because I cleaned it like a millions times a day,

    you HAVE  to clean your piercings well or they will get infected you have to treat Monroe and lip piercings as oral AND body piercings for obvious reasons. rinsing your mouth out with salt water after eating or drinking anything besides water works well to keep the inside clean.

    and I even used salt water to clean the outside of the piercing when I had nothing else.

    but do not rinse your mouth out with mouth wash that has alcohol in it while your piercing is healing, it will slow the healing process.

    if you have nothing else always rinse your mouth out with at least water after eating ANYTHING.

  11. i have a piercing in each ear

    my ear cartilage (left)

    i want another one in each ear (above the ones i have)

    i want my lip pierced

    and navel

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