
Pig Petition !!?

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Anyone with a heart or a soul should be caring about this issue right now in the UK. Farmers are really important to our economy, and with the supermarkets on the brink of completely destroying their livelihoods due to not giving the farmers enough money for pork, bacon, ham products (basically anything to do with pigs)... Please visit this website below and also enjoy the hilarious pig song on there, "Stand by your ham" it's hilarious but has a really serious note too.

We should all be standing up for the people who do indeed feed our country.




  1. Many farmers are subsidised a fortune every year, but i don't see the money going into caring for the animals in their care,i'm no tree hugger but living in the countryside i am surrounded by farms and the livestock on 9/10 of those are in a terrible condition, waiting for the dairy cows to walk over the road to be milked is painful to watch as some of these ladies can hardly carry themselves on their painful infection riddled feet, but in my part of the world you never see a farmer with an old landrover it's all top of the range 4x4's and bmw's etc etc, they even drive over the fields and chase the livestock to check them here it would be too much to walk round them and check, and too slow, so yes i do feel all livestock is treated appalingly but blaming the government all the time is for our benefit.

    Support your farmers????

    if we treated our pets in the same fashion the animal protection societies would take them off us.

  2. I enjoyed the video and signed the petition. We all ought to stand by BRITISH FOOD at all times.

  3. It is shameful that prices are going up in the supermarkets while farmers are receiving less money for their pigs. How can they make a living if they lose money on every animal?

  4. farmers are so poor that they can afford to buy tractors costing £60 grand + and then get cheap diesel on top.... oh my heart bleeds. Farmers see themselves as the custodians of the country side and have f**ked it up by covering it in pesticides, given us bse, and basically screwed it up in pursuit of the fast buck.... and thats all the fault of the supermarkets is it?

  5. Indeed and why aren't Pig farmers subsidized like other farmers.

    For those who think they shouldn't remember because of our ( rightly) tough standards for treating livestock properly unlike some countries it can be more expensive here.So its a choice between cheap and low quality pork/bacon etc from poorly treated intelligent pigs or home grown high quality meats.

  6. Why is our government not lobbying the EEC for assistance/subsidies for pig farmers.

    The French would have been blockading the ports by now.

  7. I bet if there were some people in Neverland were raising pigs, the Government would be falling over themselves to send them money., but when it comes to this Country these  bumkins down in London do not want to know them. Its always someone else but never us that gets help....

  8. u care more about pigs than u do humans

  9. stand by your ham!

    some serious karaoke singers on that one..............

    if we think that song is  bad then imagine how the pig feels when they come along singing farmers gotta gun!!!!

    seriosly they need to give them more money, wheat prices are rising and we are being robbed by the supermarkets, they are indeed the ones gaining a profit.
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