
Pigeon problem on my balcony

by  |  earlier

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I live in a highrise apartment and have a problem with the flying rats ( pigeons ) making a terrible mess of my balcony.

besides being unpleasant, it is unsanitary, so that i can not even use the balcony myself.

i need an inexpensive method to either have the pigeons leave, or be exterminated.

i look forward to all reasonable advice.




  1. I have no ideas of my own, but I did find a little info online that might be helpful.  :)


    birds can not f**t !

    lets say for "example only"

    some stranger fed them a mix broken alka ,selter and toast for a week they will fly away. and "POP" ,probably take a  about 5days for them to leave,guaranteed that they will never return again .

    this is by no means a legal way of ridding your troubles,

    but just thought that you should know  how they leave and not return.

    just a little useful knolage.

  3. The plastic owls work.

    There is also a product that can be put on the railing of the balcony that irritates the feet of the pigeons and prevents them from landing on the railing.  

    And there are sonic devices too.

  4. go to your local hardware store and buy a plastic owl, i put one on each side of an apartment building i work at and the pigeons heve since moved to the park across the street. they had cost like $22.oo for both. you only need one.

  5. We have the same problem. Ill i have is a pellet gun and some pellets. That always does the trick.

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