
Pills called Metformin?

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what happens if i take a few of those pills called Metformin? i dont have diabetes, im pretty much in good health, but will i get a sweet buzz with them, or a cool feeling in my body or what?




  1. you wont get anything from them. Or,vit may possibly give you really low blood sugar, which doesnt give you a high feeling, it makes you feel really weak and like sh*t, ugh...

  2. Uh. No. Metformin is one of the better diabetic drugs, been in use for decades and it's got an abuse potential of zip. Taking them if you're not diabetic could do anything from putting you in a hypoglycemic coma as mentioned above, to giving you some really spectacular gas.

    In otherwords, it won't feel good. It works on sugar, not your brain.

  3. They will possibly kill you. If you are not diabetic, taking diabetic drugs will make you sick, make you faint from low blood sugar, and maybe even put you in a coma.

    Also, Meformin is one drug that has recently been cited by the FDA for serious damage to the livers of patients who took it. And heart problems.

    I don't do drugs, but if you want to get high, may I suggest you go smoke some pot? Because you really don't want to mess with Big Pharma; they will s***w you up for sure. And any other plant aside from Marijuana I wouldn't mess with because they could also kill you if you don't know what you are doing. I have seen so many people come through the ER after eating or smoking angel's trumpet and/or mushrooms. Not worth it.


    Mrs. Yoder

  4. Metformin is used by diabetics to control blood sugar.  Diabetics have a problem with high blood sugar and metformin helps keep blood sugar down (along with diet and exercise.  It does nothing by itself.)

    Some of the drugs diabetics use to keep blood sugar low, if you use too much you can have low blood sugar which is just as  bad.  But this can't happen with metformin, or at least so my doctor tells me (and it's never happened to me).

    So I'm guessing if you took one or two they would have no effect on you.  They certainly won't make you high or give you a buzz.

    If you took more than one or two you'd probably get sick and throw up.  Some people have stomach trouble with metformin and have to use a timed-release version so it doesn't make them sick.

  5. UHH NO....i hate pill poppers.

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