
Pilot license?

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How far can i go with just a pilots license ,but no degree?

Going through a rough time right now , so we cant really afford a degree AND the license.

Also, what can i do right after obtaining my license?

I was thinking of doing my training in the states and then going back to my native country (India) and converting my license and going on from there. How hard would that be? Would it be easier to stay back in the states and get a job there?





  1. You can get your Commercial Certificate with multi-engine, instrument, and instructor ratings now, and make a living doing charter and instructing until you can afford to go to college.  There is money available in most places for you to go to you rcommunity college to work on an associate degree, and that will help you.  See your local Employment Security Commission office.

    This will be a rough way to go, and keeping steady work is tough.  It's easier in a large metropolitan area, and you may have to move around some.

    The direct alternative is to join the military, if you are the right age.  Contact the recruiters.

    Good luck!

  2. Everybody has tough times.However that depends not just your parents it depends on you.What are you willing to endure to get to your dream of flying.It depends on your age.Start early.Work hard never give up.You can do it.

  3. Here's the deal. It's not a 'License'. It's a 'Certificate'.  It's only a 'License' to learn.

    If you want to fly for an airline, get the ATP Certificate, with the ratings they are looking for.  If you are wanting to fly for a corporation, you may not need the ATP.

    Find a flight instructor in your area. Talk to them.  Check out schools - find out if there is one you can get your Pilot's Certificate and your Degree at the same time.

    Oh, and don't do it for the money.  Do it because you love to fly.  You won't make alot of money starting out in the airlines.

  4. If I was you I would wait until you had enough money to work on your degree and be able to obtain a commercial license. That is if your wanting to making a living flying.If I remember right , your not legally allowed to fly for compensation until you obtain your commercial.
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