
Pilot salary.?

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I'm going to be in 11th grade in high school this year, and i have really made being a pilot one of my career choices. It's not just the money, I really want to travel around, and flying seems like it would be fun. Also, I am a girl so I don't know if that will lower my chances. If you can just let me know any details on this, please do help me out. :]. If you don't think this is a good career let me know if there is a career that would involve traveling. [[BTW when I say traveling i mean traveling all over the world.]]






  1. If you do consider the military as an option, you would at least be starting out in the high-30s/low-40s with rapid increases from there (not to mention a lot of other benefits).  You'd spend most of the next ten years around 70k.  If you got out in 10 years (a typical commitment timeframe for getting out) you would be making about 100k at that point.  Entering the civilian aviation world from that point...your salary might drop a bit, but by then you'd at least be somewhat more stabilized in your life than a strapped-for-cash starving commuter pilot.  The airline industry travels a sinusoidal path of hiring and firing with pay going the same way.  Even before you leave high school, we'll probably witness big changes in the airline industry as we know it today.  Hopefully you could hit it in an upswing, but big jets in the Air Force sets you up as perfectly as you could hope for with everyone else struggling to get where you already are when you're getting out.  You could also consider flying internationally at that point for possibly more money than domestic flying.  Who knows...maybe you'll stay in the service, have some kids, and your priorities change -- life throws some curve balls that we haven't talked about here and "master plans" are often the first casualty.

    If your priority is travel, I would recommend the tanker/transport track in the Air Force.  It sounds like tactical fighters are outside your goal-path and turbo-props are good but not as good as heavy jets.  Don't even consider helicopters, or you might as well have been a civilian from the start, minus the adventure.  Also, the Navy/Marine Corps might not be your cup of tea for "adventure" in comparison for what's available flying C-17s or KC-10s all over the world.  The Navy "adventure" is more tactically oriented and usually a slave to the boat.  Whatever you do, stay positive, stay safe, don't ever give up, and take whatever's for the taking.

  2. Phew, if thats your picture, i wouldnt mind you as my co-pilot !!

    Anyway, no airline can deny you because of Race, s*x, ethnicity all that c**p

    Just experience is what matters

    Aviation is the right choice - Stick with it

    Now about the salary starting out, about 20,000 per year like they said.

    Good Luck, See you in the skies!

  3. Hear me now, believe me later... stay out of the industry unless you've got a lot money coming in from elsewhere.  This is NOT an industry you get into if you care about your long-term well-being... and it is definitely NOT the industry it was even 10 years ago.  You're going to travel w/ 2-5 people you might like or might not like - and you're going to get to where you're going tired and bloated (because time is money for the company).... you'll have to sleep in a different bed every night and wake up and have to go back to work.  Being forced on the road and traveling are 2 different things.

    You're going to get BUTCH and FAT because all of your friends will be dorky aviation geeks and you wont have time to eat healthy because you'll  be on the road and sitting on your butt for your job. Can I get some thumbs up on this one?  All you guys flying  can vouch for my opinion here...

  4. Being a girl will actually help you... because of the shortage of women pilots, and the EEOC hanging over the airlines, and everyone else... female pilots are ALWAYS in demand. be sexist... but if you are HOT... you will have pilots climbing all over you.. ALL the time and your instructors will pass you along because you are hot.. and they hope you will be "grateful".....  or you can be a good pilot and they will bust your *** because they don't like women pilots.. depends who you get. It's not fair... but then... neither is watching a Sierra Hotel pilot friend of mine with 7,000 hours go all the way through the United hiring program, get the thumbs up from his sim instructor who tells him later that night.. "hey, when you come back for indoc, look me up and we will go get a beer"   and then 10 days later gets the rejection letter.....  while  sweetums... walking in to Flt Ops to get her flight bag...  you know...the 5'7" blonde with 900 hours that is drop dead gorgeous is asking how to spell  r-e-s-i-g-n becuase she was just hired by United. My roomate was her instructor in the sim as a new hire.. they failed an engine on takeoff and she let go of the yoke, screamed, and covered her face with her hands. Yup... she went to United.

    The odds of you flying international.. as in across the Atlantic or Pacific...  are  less than 1-15     International flying is a small part of the aviation industry...   You will get to see Peoria, Paducha, Tupelo, Ft Wayne, and Columbus... which is in EVERY State in the union. Now.. through the next few years is not a great time to get into aviation. The dedicated will make it... they always do...  but if this is something you are looking at along side other things...  you probably won't make it.  Training is EXPENSIVE... I am not even going to guess what it costs these days to get your civilian ratings... but I bet it shoots the heck out of $50,000 for the basic commecial, instrument, CFIA, and THEN.. when you have that done... you have to find a job and start logging hours.

    Also, forget having a life... for the first  5 years minimum... you will be living with roomates, and leading a goofed up life... but if you like that...  you may find a home in aviation.

  5. You should try getting into one of the military academies. free education and you can choose to go to flight school. travel all you want

  6. Aprox 15k-20k per year starting.

  7. unlike some of these answers im not gonna tell u its a good industry or a bad one, or you should or shouldnt do it.

    pilots would earn good money i reckon, the money is just a bonus if ur passionate about becoming a pilot, getting to travel the world all the time and meeting people from all over the world is an experience many would love to do all the time.

    the demand for pilots is growing, tourism is booming so of course you'd be able to be a pilot, who said women couldnt be?

    and if u cant get into being a pilot, always go for being a stewardess for an airline, itd be the next closest thing to a pilot where travelling around the world is concerned.

    best of luck!

  8. Its great for traveling. You not going to fly to the EU on day one it takes a long time. Salary in the begining not great. AA lowest $20000pa to 250000pa

  9. You will begin at about $30K a year on smaller vessels until you move upward to larger planes and then you can make up to $200K per year.

  10. Try  They have the salary information for most airlines.

    Being a girl will not lower your chances.

    Good Luck
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